This number of SKY-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high-high facts is even higher in reality
Cases of coronavirus are folding in Arizona, but the numbers can be much worse for this reason.

Since most countries are fighting with a resurgence of CVIV-19 cases, a particular state finds a particularly disadvantageous situation, with theHighest positive test rate in the country. And a new report strongly suggests that, as serious as things that it is in Arizona, things could be very worse. Why? Well, according to Vox, Arizona "is most likely alwaysFraming a lot of cases sinceIt does not have enough test to pick up all new infections. "
The extremely positive test rate of Arizona 27%, according to COVID ACT, it is now more than five times higher than the maximum recommended by 5%. Such a high rate of positive test results suggests that Arizona does not currently have enough tests to match the CVIV-19 case epidemic.

Some argued that the tip of the cases is the result of increased availability of tests. And it is true that other tests have more positive results. The greatest more in terms of problem, however, is the increase in thepercentage Positive results, indicating that Arizona's coronavirus epidemic resurrected.
In addition to this, according to theCOVID monitoring project, the growth of positive cases exceeds the growth of tests in more than half of the United States, demonstrating that the alarming peak in coronavirus casescan not be pinned on only tests. Axios indicates that 28 states now see a greater rise inNew cases of coronavirus-Both test confirmed and likely than administered tests. "The reality is that states like Arizona, Florida and Texas have trouble responding to the demand for coronavirus tests, which means that the pandemic already exceeds the ability of these states to respond to it", finite They conclude.
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Arizona's coronavirus situation has been concerned for weeks. The state, according to Covid Act now, has reached a capacity of nearly 100% in its icus. (Newsweekreport thatOnly 145 ICU beds, or nine percent, were unoccupied in Arizona from July 7th)
As a result, Arizona has published a rules book thatRates marking patients to see who gets Covid-19 Care in the hospital. A patient is awarded "on the basis of individual assessment" and "mortality review of one year or five years". "The lower scores indicate a higher probability ofbenefiting from critical careAnd priority is given to those who have lower scores, "the rules book states. And for more the situation in Arizona, checkThis state locks again for 30 days as Covid-19 Skyrocket cases.

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