These are the only people who should not wear face masks, says the CDC

The port of a mask can pose other risks for very small children and anyone with certain conditions.

In most shops and public places you visit, there are most likely signs that remind you that you should wear a mask to protect you and you around you. Disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have always emphasized how essentials it is essentialFace coverings are slowly propagated the coronavirus. However, they are not universally safe. There are groups of selected people who should not wear face masks because of non-disease risks.

"ClothFace coatings should not be placed on young children Less than two years, anyone who has trouble breathing or who is unconscious, not incapable or unable to delete coverage without help, "the CDC notes in its FAQ on the masks. In these cases, a mask could actually do more harm than good.

Professor of Nursing at the University of Warener,Darrell Spurlock, Jr., PhD, explains thatMasks can be dangerous for children Under the age of two, because they "have smaller respiratory tract, less rigid than older children and adults." It also notes that they have less "physical strength to correct a problem, like a mask attached too narrowly and slipped around the neck". In addition, the masks prevent parents or caregivers from observing the breathing status of a child, says Spurlock. This is particularly dangerous if the child already has a respiratory disease.

Cloth masks

For those who have trouble breathing, a mask can make it even more difficult, which can lead to additional problems. However,Leann Poston, MD, stresses that people with conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are at ahigher risk of developing coronavirus complications. With the two bearing and do not wear a risk mask, Poston advises these people "stay at home if possible." She also suggests that they "trydifferent styles of masks To see what is the easiest to breathe and show a face mask to reduce any anxiety "about it. Even a more flexible mask is better than nothing." [This] can disrupt the expiration schemes and offer some protection against secretions, "says.

The dangers posed to persons unable to delete their masks are similar, but potentially even more serious, such as suffocation is possible.

If you wear a mask with your illness seriously affects your ability to breathe or you can not delete a mask yourself, another solution is to choose to get out early in the morning or late at night, when there will be less people and you can social distance appropriately. And for more essential information about face coatings, see10 myths on the face masks you need to know.

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