That's why you should never wear your face mask inside, who says

The blue and white sides of your face mask are not interchangeable, says the WHO administrator.

SinceFace masks have become a necessity In response to the coronavir pandemic, they have been the subject of many debates and discussions. Even among those who agree that we should wear them, there are always false ideas onHow to wear your mask correctly. A widely shared rumor, which began to make towers on social media in mid-March, says disposable surgical masks can be worn with the blue side or the white side turned outward. As the viral post explains, the color that the bearer chooses must depend on who they want to protect: blue side if they are sick and want to protect others from their germs, and if they are good if they are healthy and more concerned with being infected themselves. Unfortunately, this article and other people have caused some confusion, the World Health Organization (WHO) establishes right registration. According to the experts, the idea that masks can be brought to one of the guidelines is manifestly false:There is onlya The good way to wear a medical mask - and it's with the blue side turned outward.

Wing Hong Seto, co-director of the WHO collaborating center for epidemiology and control of infectious diseases,Define the right registration In a video interview forBloomberg. He categorically said that wearing the blue side is the only way to properly wear a mask and wear a white white side mask as "totally fake". Medical masks areproved to be effectiveHe explained, but not if you wear them upside down.

There is, however, one thing that the viral post was right. Both sides of the mask serve as different functions: the blue side, the explained sterilization is waterproof and designed to protect the wearer from the incoming droplets of others. The white side, on the other hand, is absorbent. "So, if I touch, it absorbs," said Seto.

He explains the key, is to trap your own germs while pushing the germs from the others. Invert the mask can have the opposite effect, dangerously trapping the germs of others on the outer surface of your mask and increase your probability of contamination.

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So, if you wear a blue mask so that others are to coronavirus safety, make sure it is correctly meaningfulalways blue side outside. And if you wonder how many long masks will be part of everyday life, checkHere's how long you will have to wear a face mask, say experts.

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