These people are 5 times more likely to get coronavirus, study

The same high-risk population is also more likely to die from a COVID infection.

WithCOVID case numbers In the daily archives of the country and break the new infections - it is clearer than ever that thecoronavirus pandemic is far from over. Given the number of epidemics, many people seek ways to protect themselves, whether it is self-insulating isolation or avoidingEvents superspreader. Unfortunately, new research shows that some people in the population are more about Covid and there are few things they can do to improve their chances. According to a recent study,People in prison are five times more likely to contract coronavirus than the general population.

By Analysis of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health School, published in a research letter in JulyJama, prisoners contract the coronavirus at a rate of 3,251 cases per 100,000 people, which means they are5.5 times more likely to get COVID than those outside the prison. At all of the United States, the file rate is 587 cases per 100,000 people.

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TheCoronavirus mortality rate is also higher in people in prison. According to the research, there are 39 deaths Covid in prison per 100,000 inhabitants of the prison, unlike 29 deaths per 100,000 people of the general population. This means that people in prison are 1.3 times more likely to die of coronaviruses than those outside the prison.

"While these numbers are striking, we really think that theDisparities in prisons is much bigger, "Main AuthorLoungeur de brandan, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Directorate at Bloomberg School, said in a statement. "Some prisons report no case, others do not even test inmates, the need to protect incarcerated populations is more important than ever."

close up of hands holding bars in prison

This analysis is not the first time that the problem of coronavirus diffusion in prisons has been identified. In early June, several reports noted that a major aspect of the overvoltage of the coronavirus numbers was aIncreased tests in correctional installations. The widespread tests of prison detainees and employees have taken into account a significant increase in reported cases.

And on June 16,The New York Times reported thatCases of coronavirus had doubled in American prisons Over a month. "Gather life facilities such asPrisons are high risk for COVID and other infectious diseases because many people are in close and focus is generally not put on sanitation and control of infections, "Leann Poston, MD, amedical expert with medical guest, saysBetter life at the time.

The problem of the rapid coronavirus crown in prisons does not seem to get by. As the study notes, some of the suggested remedies include early release of prisoners, more widespread tests and a stricter implementation of social distancing measures. Regardless of the tactics, the Saloner reiterated that something needs to be done to calm these epidemics.

"Prisoners are entitled to adequate protection of their health while incarcerated," Saloner said. "The reality of these conclusions shows that we have not come anywhere close to meeting their basic needs. In the end, it creates a dangerous situation for detainees, prison staff, communities that prisons are located and in our general effort to contain the crisis. " And for more than where Covid is spreading,These are the places where you are most likely to catch coronavirus, doctors say.

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