Do it every day one thing and you will increase your risk of cerebral accident of 29%

Be careful, work-a-olships.

"Arrive early, leave late." This is one of the oldest advice in America of the company, widely accepted as the first step to make a positive impression at work and prepare for the race on your scale of society. But, according to a new study published in the newspaper of the American Heart AssociationCerebral accident,Make hours of work longer a regular thing - and be a hero-delivered office with a seriously major disadvantage: it significantly affects your heart.

For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than 143,000 people aged 18 to 69 and found that work more than 10 hours a least 50 days a year increased its risk of cerebral accident of 29%. Do it for a decade or more? Yes, this has reinforced the risk of a person's cerebral accident by a height of 45%.

In particular, the results do not apply only to older workers.

"The association between 10 years long hours of work and cerebral seemed stronger for seniors under 50"noted Alexis Descentha, researcher at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research and the co-author of the study. "It was unexpected."

The ocular opening study reinforces a lot of existing previous research on the subject, including a2016 study Published inThe American Nursing Journal.These researchers have found that working 55 hours (or more) per week was linked to a higher risk of heart disease. To reduce health risks, researchers have advised to join the standard9 to 5 weeks and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

But that's not all you can do. It is important to start recording your hours closer, taking advantage of task lists to make and define the boundaries with your boss and colleagues. And for more ways to add a structure to your days, see the rest of our50 ways from Genius for you to have a perfect professional work balance.

After all, it's for the good of your heart.

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