20 ways never get sick at work

Strengthen your immune system with these simple tactics.

Your friends, family and colleagues who are never sick may seem superhuman. But it is much more likely that they institute some of the boosting immunity strategies below to ward off insidious viruses, colds and flu.

If you want to be more like them (of course you do!), Do not wait until you feel something is missing in your body. Absorb the following tips and look at your chances of being shot by a hurled disease. And for intelligent means of keeping your strong immune system at home, be sure to memorize the11 surprising times that your partner affects your health.

To believe!

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Some people swear that echinacea and vitamin C allow them to stay cold and influenza as magic potions. They are so stable in these beliefs that the shortage of scientific evidence to support them does not seem to import. But that does not mean that these scientifically unsupported preventive measures do not work. The fact that people believe they do might be why, say experts. For more ways to strengthen your health, here's40 ways to prevent breast cancer after 40 years.

To sleep

desktop backgrounds kitten sleeping cute animals

Scientists agree on the effectiveness of a good night's sleep in reducing your chances of getting sick. According to recent research, people who sleep only five to six hours per night have a 30% chance of catching a cold, while those who get more than seven hours reduce their risk to 17%. To have problems? Those10 ways to sleep better tonight will help you get the best Shuteye of your life.

Eat your carrots


Although there is not much empirical evidence for the role of vitamin C in the prevention of cold and flu, there are data showing that vitamin A plays an important role in the immune system. That does this by helping to regulate T cells, the Swat team of the immune system. Only one average carrot contains 200% of the consumption of suggested daily vitamins.


beautiful woman doing yoga for better health and not getting sick at work

Time and time repeatedly, stress has been shown that people who are likely to become sick. Although the causes of stress in your life can be inevitable, the way you choose to treat them is not. Stress siphonation strategies include exercise, meditation, better sleep quality and taking time to do what you really like to do. Need help to slip? here is30 easy ways to combat stress.

Cut strawberries

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Although there are many good foods to help fight stress, strawberries are an easy snack, dessert or addition to a salad. The bay is packed with vitamin C, which reduces stress if you believe that kind of thing - that can help increase your immune system. Even with new agricultural techniques, winter can be a strawberry desert. Buy frozen strawberries when they are not fresh available and add them to a hot dessert to double the comfort.


salmon, heart healthy foods, brain foods

If you live in the United States, it is likely that your vitamin D is deficient. Most of us live on a latitude in which our ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight is limited (if not impossible) for most of the year. Fortunately, we can also get it food and supplements. Salmon, for example, provides a lot of things. D has been shown that athletes help to contract less than higher respiratory infections during the winter (A.K.A., cold and other similar problems). If you are not a fan of salmon, enjoy milk or jo that is fortified from vitamin D. Then store your kitchen with these25 foods that keep you young forever!

wash your hands

wash hands sick at work

Employees must wash their hands. Thus, to avoid the cold or the flu this winter. A recent study has examined the effectiveness of hand washing in 36 Spain hospitals. Recommendation of the researcher:Lavar well y congrecuencia las manos! (Who is to say, "Wash your mittens well and often.")


mushrooms food over 40

When it comes to causing diseases, these fungi can help stimulate your immune system. A study by the University of Florida 2015 shows increased immunity in people who have eaten a Chiitake fungus cooked every day for four weeks. Try to include it as one side with your favorite dinner, throw them in your salad or add them to a soup or sauce. Bonus: Eating Shiitake mushrooms can prevent gray hair. Learn why in these50 ways to watch younger in your 50s!


gym exercise running treadmill workout routine

According to a study in theJournal of Sport and Health ScienceRegular exercise reinforces the immune system and makes you less likely to catch upper respiratory infections. Exactly how it works is not clearly clear. Some theories include the effect of the exercise of stress reduction; the way it increases the basic temperature, stopping bacteria to grow; Increased circulation of white blood cells or bacteria rinsing. How it works, however, is not as important as the fact that it does.

Drink wine


You already have a glass of wine with dinner a few nights a week? This could work in your favor this winter. After giving 12 vaccines of maccaque rhesus smallpox and measures their response, researchers trained monkeys to get involved alone and gave them access to 4% ethanol or sugar water with the same amount of calories (The control group). They followed the alcohol consumption of monkeys for 14 months, vaccinating them again after the first seven months. Although the monkeys all responded to the first vaccine in the same way, the moderate drinkers of the test group saw an increased immune response as non-drinkers and heavy drinkers after the second. here isHow to create a collection of wine, by the World's # 1 wine wine!


Productivity, more time

We, humans, we tend to gather with other humans. This fact has not been lost on viruses: they have evolved with us for millions of years. It is then a question of reasoning that your chances of getting a cold or an influenza would be negligible if you have not come into contact with other humans or tap the same surfaces. Conversely, the more people we have with people in our daily lives, the more the probability we will go down with something bad. If you can work at home a little more, your chances of being struck by a virus will become a little lower.

Remain social

friends dinner conversationalist

Ok, it may seem like conflicting information as a result of the previous tip, but staying related to friends and family could be useful for avoiding seasonal diseases. A 2005 study showed that people who were stronger and smaller social networks had a poorer influenza antibody response than their more social peers. Taking advantage of FaceTime and Skype can be a good way to take advantage of feelings related to other people without being infected with them.

Facilitate gas at the first sign of problem

Our first instinct can be to "go through", but it is rarely the best strategy for making a disease you feel. Be kind to yourself, buy a lot of sleep, reduce stress, eat well and let everyone around you know that you take it easily now, you are not brought below that something later.

Get the influenza shot

According to the CDC, "while the effectiveness of vaccination can vary, recent studies show that the vaccine reduces the risk of influenza disease from about 50 to 60% among the overall population during the seasons when most viruses Influenza are like vaccine viruses. " Does the shot guarantee that you will not receive influenza this year? No, but if you play Russian roulette, would not you want to take a few more bullets outside the room? For additional insurance, add these10 supplements you should take to your diet.

Eat yogurt for probiotics

greek yogurt food over 40

Although less research has been made on the links between probiotics and immune health, some studies have found that some probiotic strains help regulate the intestine, which contributes to your immune system. In addition, yogurt gives you an extra dose of zinc, so it canreallyStrengthen immunity.

No smoking

smoking first heart attack

There are many reasons why smoking is a bad idea of ​​the interview, but here is another: it damages and destroys antibodies in the blood that help fight infectious diseases. With fewer available antibodies, smokers can undergo more serious infections and staying sick longer than non-smokers. Deposit fumes from your daily routine is only one of these guaranteed warranties10 ways to reduce your blood pressure all day!

Eat cereals for zinc


Although an immune system response is important when viruses attack, an answer too much can be problematic. Zinc helps regulate this response to external forces. The good news is that many cereals - from Cheerios to Wheaties - will give you a high dose of zinc. Check the label (a whale portion contains 45% of your proposed daily zinc consumption) and increase your immune system before leaving the home.

To laugh!

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Laughter is the best remedy, they say, but it is just as likely to prevent a cold or a fight from the flu than to heal one. Why? Because, according to a study of Indiana State University, laughter can stimulate the immune system up to 40%. The experts believe that the diaphragmatic respiration that occurs when we laugh that the lymphatic liquid moves from 10 to 15 times stronger and faster than it would usually. (Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system has no pump.) This increased stream increases the number of lymphocytes circulating in the blood, which means better immunity to all diseases. (Any muscular movement increases lymphocytes, but laughter is a little easier that strives, is not it?)


Bad bosses, garlic wash hands sick at work

It's not just the scourge of vampires but the Namese of viruses like cold and common flu, according to studies. In the recent British research, 146 people received placebo or garlic extract for 12 weeks. The result? Garlic lessees were two thirds less likely to catch a cold. (Although it could be the result of other cold axes that did not want too close to them.) Garlic is not the only food with surprising medicinal properties - add them20 incredible healing foods to your shopping list.

Have a positive attitude

fall, couple laughing, movie theater, smart word, stress relief wash hands sick at work

Always look at the good side of life, blood monty python inBrian life - And with good reason. A 2010 study followed changes in optimism and immune response between first year law students and discovered that students have become more optimistic, they showed reinforced cellular mediation immunity (alias the flow of cells immunes that respond to an invasion of foreign viruses or bacteria). When optimism has fallen, a cellular mediation immunity has been part of. Try it. And if you need help, just say thatA word that will stimulate your mood by 25%.

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