What is to be in several high-risk categories for COVID-19

At 61, with a history of asthma, heart attack and pneumonia, I could not be more vulnerable to coronaviruses.

The coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, does not recognize sex, race, religion or politics - but, however, discriminates age. To be over 50 years old puts people in what is called a "high risk category"For coronavirus complications, as hasimmune deficiency, Circulatory, diabetics, cardiac and respiratory. At age 61, having had asthma since I was four,Experience a heart attack At age 55 and overcome pneumonia at that time two years ago, I'm struck DAB in many of these warning categories.

Even while recognizing this reality, my initial reaction to thePandemic of Covid-19 Was I not going to fall into catastrophic thinking. But it lasted, oh, a few minutes, then if it is in my mind grabbed the outfit and seized closely.

And if I'm so sick that I had to be at the hospital as I had when I felt like I drowned when I had pneumonia? And if my family or friends has been diagnosed and become seriously ill or dead? And if I could not work and support me myself?

I took a deep breath, grateful that I could - and I called a friend who is what I call my "verification of mental health". She too is a therapist like me and one of the first things she asked me was: "What are your fears?" Once we have named them, we can answer it. After sharing these people, she told me about a conversation she had with her students at a university in which she teaches. Of course, they were curious to deal with this unprecedented situation. His answer was reassuring.

"SITUATION: Extremely fluid

Actions to take: Wear your inner tube, keep your head over water, enter to stay afloat. We can therefore talk about the equivalents of real life and interior tube strategies, from the head above the water, to stand afloat. "

She was right - we do not know more than we know. And something we know how we are all in that together. The medical consensus is only for "flatten the curve" isessential that we look in quarantine, if we have or not the virus. In doing so, we give the medical teams that work even more stringent than normal a chance to save lives.

Nearly three weeks ago, before the governor of Pennsylvania did not give the order of all the essential companies to close and to all the inhabitants to stay at home for non-essential reasons (as going to the supermarket, pharmacy or at Get medical treatment), I did it voluntarily, given my high-risk situation. I assured myself that I waswell-storedbut did not fall prey to buying panic. I already had a lot of toilet paper, as well as the bases I needed. Even before the crisis, the cleaning supplies were already in my kitchen and my bathroom,hand disinfectant In my backpack and my handbag. I had a bobbin of lysol that I use to spray my shoes and my backpacks when I returned to the house. So, in this respect, few things have changed.

But my work life moved during the night. I am a psychotherapist working in a group practice. And although we are considered an "essential company", we moved to a telehealth platform to "see" our customers, many of which have, understandable,become more anxious and depressed. Our offices are closed until the stop is lifted, but our virtual appointments work well - the next best thing to be there in person.

When I do not speak to clients on the virus, I write articles on the impact of the virus (I wrote about half a dozen so far). But I'm doing so early, working in my living room,Watch comedy shows on television, watch live live concerts, watchInspirational videosand read encouraging items.

Other than the office stop to make the paperwork, I remain solitude, but I'm not isolated. I constantly throw loved ones, to provide support and receive it.

The term "social distancing"Is an abu; the physical distancing looks more like this. It's even more crucial than evernotto socially separated. When Touch is not an option unless you live with your family or friends (two legs or four legs), to be in contact via electronic means or a telephone can be a rescue. When I feelpangs of loneliness, I call the family or friends; Some that I have not talked for years. Many live alone too and appreciate awareness as I have when they contacted me. I spoke with a friend with whom I did not have a contact in two years because she reminded me. And with social media, I feel like I could have conversations with the world.

closeup of hands of older woman using smart phone

The most difficult aspect for me is that I have not keptmy grandson now two months, Dean, for almost three weeks. He and my son, Adam, and his daughter-in-law, Lauren, live at 20 minutes, but I try to convince me that I am a long-distance grandmother (in vain). Until the crisis struck, I was there two to three times a week to help herself, just like his other grandparents.

When Lauren was pregnant Dean, Adam told me, "He's going to be the center of your universe. I laughed and told him that his child would be the center ofhis. How bad I was. This baby is a part of my heart and soul and we have an indissoluble link. I miss it terribly and look forward to the day I can zoom out there and hold it. Of course, Adam and Lauren sent photos and videos every day so I can see Dean in this way. It is far from being like the real thing, but it will have to do it for now. I am sending it videos where I sing for him or stories read. To tell the truth, I do it as much for me as for him.

When I tried to feel sorry for myself, what I'm doing every day, I think of my friends who have elderly parents, they can not visit. Two mothers have on the other side of the country, we have parents that it visits every week that live about an hour. Once again, technology will need to suffice. We remember each other that there will be a moment, soon I hope, when we come together with our family members.

Whether you are squatting alone or with others, here are some resources to help you cope with the current situation. Because, at high risk or not, we are all to be disputed like never before.

Resources for children To help them understand what's going on.

Suicide Prevention Hotline To help cope with depression.

12 Step Meetings Online for those in recovery.

Hotline Domestic Violence for those in dangerous situations.

More importantly, remember that it will also pass and there will be a time, again, do not hope too far in the future, where we start an adventure that will be a "normal new", having learned some precious Lessons in the process on the value of our relationships, the treasure of our health and the resilience we can present.

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