9 things that doctors say you need to need before returning to work

If you come back to work, these doctor approved supplies can help protect the coronavirus.

WhileWorkplaces reopen Through the country, many employees are still preoccupied, spending time in spaces confined with people who might be badly with coronavirus. However, just because you go back to your daily routine does not mean that getting sick is run in advance. With the help of doctors, we have rounded office supplies everyone should be bringing with them to protect themselves and others against coronavirus when theyhead back to work. And if you are looking to disinfect your space, see these9 disinfectants you can actually get online now.

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Surgical masks

blue surgical mask

If you want to keep you and your work colleagues safely when you return to work, invest in a pack ofNO N95 Surgical Masks is a good start. These "avoid you to make other patients and protect yourself from the viral particles of others to enter your mouth, nose or eyes," saysJanette Nesheiwat, MD,Family and emergency doctor.

Although Nesheiwat does not recommend a particular brand, you can order this 50 Amazon pack to protect yourself for a while. And to learn more about masks, see10 myths on the face masks you need to know.


black and white bandanas

Similarly, Nesheiwat recommends having bandanas at hand to cover your face if you want a reusable option. "Bring two in case you sneeze or drop your mask," says Nesheiwat.

Although Nesheiwat does not recommend a specific brand of bandanas, this two-pack is perfect for when you need a backup.

Triderma disinfectant for the hands

bottle of triderma hand sanitizer

Although Nesheiwat recommends using soap and water as the first line of defense, it also says thatdisinfectant for hands is good to have at hand If you can not reach a sink.

In particular, Nesheiwat recommends Triderma's products. "If you come from the metro, if you press the elevator button, or just before you eat are good examples of time to use hand disinfectant," she says. And to get disinfectant advice for more useful hands, see6 subtle signs that you have to replace your hand disinfectant.

Surface Antibacterial Wipes

disinfecting surface wipes

Any surface that is affected by you and your co-workers should bedisinfected regularly thoroughly throughout the day, Which makes the surface of several wipes a necessity.

Nesheiwat says that even if you can not get your hands on Clorox wipes, generics work very well. "[If you do] the office work, wipe your desktops and door", it recommends. And for more disinfection options, see10 disinfectants who kill coronavirus faster than lysol wipes.

Dishwasher soap

dawn dish soap

You do not needAntibacterial soap to keep hands free from contaminants At work, but having a little versatile soap is a good idea.

"Dish soap and ordinary water works very well and is much less toxic than commercial cleaners," explainsFelice Gersh, MD, Founder and Director ofIntegrated medical group In Irvine, California. While Gersh does not advocate a particular brand, this Dawn dish soap works well to clean your hands and covered.

Dove soap

dove sensitive skin dish soap

However, if you find that your washbasin with flat soapThe dries too muchThere are good alternatives.

Robert J. Loup, MD, says that the dove soap is his personal go-to to wash hands because it is "easy on the skin, a good quality of cleaning, and less allergen than most everything else. He added that he is particularly good for anyone who wash their hands several times a day. And if you want to protect yourself from the sink, discoverThe best way to wash your hands to avoid any risk of illness.

Nitrile gloves

box of powder free nitrile gloves

There are some surfaces in your workplace, you can not necessarily clean after each use of the doors andcommon toiletsTo name just a few, but you can keep safe if you use them by storing gloves.

"Latex or nitrile gloves offer good protection," saysRonald Caplan, MD. However, he warns, "typing on a computer keyboard while wearing these requires some practice! »

Although Caplan does not recommend a particular brand, these disposable nitrile-free gloves can help you avoid contamination byHigh touch surfaces. And for gaining advice more gloves, see10 AWFUL errors you do with your gloves every day.

Computer wipes

computer wipes

Do you want to reduce your risk of contacting viruses and bacteria at work? Caplan says that "computer wipes are a very good idea, if you wear gloves or not. »

These wipes contain 75 percent more alcohol than theAlcohol content threshold for coronavirus fight Recommended by disease control and prevention centers (CDC). While cleaning, be sure to tackle these 18 things you should clean up every day but are not .

A face shield

doctor wearing clear face shield

These are not just infected respiratory droplets in your mouth and nose that can lead you to contractual coronaviruses Contact with your eyes can also lead to an infection .

As such, "you can consider wearing Protective glasses , or a transparent face shield, "says Caplan. Although Caplan does not recommend any particular brand, this double packet of front shields is adjustable and anti-fog, which facilitates wear all day. And for more information PPE, check Do the shields of the face keep you safer than face masks?

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