17 the biggest list of things to do no-our

First of all, you call it a "task list".

Each organized person swears a fiduciary tool: the task list. It gives the structure of the day, keeps you up with planning and reminds you of quickly approaching time. But even if the list of things to do seems quite simple - write things, check them - there are a lot of ways to ruin things and sabotage your own success.

For example, if you use your phone to keep track of unusual items, you already break one of the cardinal rules of writing an effective task list. And if you combine your to-back with your goals in the long-term bucket list, you certainly do not do things properly. In this document, we have gathered the most common task errors for you to know what to avoid, all on behalf of the most efficient and efficient day everyday. And to clean up other key aspects of your life, do not miss the27 ways to be an email user without stress.

You add unrealistic tasks.

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Of course, we all want parachchher or go on an African safari one day. But long-term goals like this belong to yourtub List, not on yourto do listing. And weigh your bucket list with these inaccessible goals will only overwhelm you and make you more difficult to achieve simpler and short-term tasks. In addition, like every person type A or A-Minus type knows, the most unsatisfactory sensation in the world does not have everything on your task list to be checked - and unfortunately, you probably do not check "jumping 30,000 feet "every time soon.

You have too thin.

mom juggling kid and work

What you want to do and what you can do, these are two very different things, so do not crisscross your task list to do with dozens of tasks to do in a day. With more tasks than time, you will find only your task list to make you cause anxiety without beneficial end results. Instead, book an estimated amount of time for each task (for example: unload the dishwasher-15 minutes) so you can better gauge what is realistic possible. And for more ways to stay above things, do not miss the20 ways to prove productively.

You do not give priority.

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All about your list of things to do is not a priority equal, but you will never know what comes first if you do not order things depending on their importance. With everything, in a giant cluster, you risk missing your meeting with the brass top because it was sandwiched between "make the linen" and "pick up dry cleaning". On your next list of things to do, use a numbering system, the labeled things (1) being of utmost importance, (2) be of regular importance, (3) to be of slight importance, etc.

You do not use visuals.

man using his journal

Some people better meet visual signals - and for these people, it can help create a visual list to do instead of the traditional checklist.

So, what exactly is a visual list to do? This can take many forms and shapes, but a good practice to follow is to delegate a certain amount of space to an element according to its importance. For example, if an articlemust Get finished at the end of the day, you must spend a third of your paper to this article alone to designate its importance.

You call it a "task list to do".

Woman being productive and writing a to-do list.

The simple act of labeling your tasks as "to do" could be enough to dissuade you from actually doing them. If the simple thought of a list of things to do you fear, consider renaming it a "list of things to do". In this way, tasks by hand will not appear discouraged, and you will not feel guilty if you do not check everything from your list.

You use it to increase your self-esteem.

Woman is smiling at her notebook because she's proud of herself.

It is good to have a habit of making a list of things to do every morning. But if you do only the list of feeling better about yourself and not because you want to be more organized and productive, it can bite you in the buttocks.

"The most productive people recognize that a list of tasks is a prioritization device, but only if you push yourself in a device that requires you tothinkAbout your priorities "said The power of the habit authorCharles Duhigg. For real useful ways to increase your mood, use them75 genius tips to become instantly happy.

You write your list in the morning.

guy at work in the morning energized

This could feel you as if you had ahead by writing your task list in the morning, but it can actually lead to your delay, especially if you have missions with early deadlines. Give yourself planning your schedule for the next day before going to bed. With your list of tasks to be prepared and ready to leave, it does not weigh heavily in your mind while you sleep, and you will be able to wake up with a precise image of what the planning of the day looks like.

You type your lists.

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We are always on at least one device at some point, so it is difficult to resist the urge to typing our list of tasks on our phones or computers and call it a day. Cornstudies Have shown that typing things makes them more difficult to remember, so it's better to invest in a scheduler and spend another five minutes to write hand. However, your devices can be useful, as with these devices.20 things you did not know that your smartphone could do.

You list tasks with multiple steps as a single element.

Grandma and grandkids cooking.

The task "cook cookies" is an excellent example. Of course, the ultimate task could be cooking cookies, but there are so many more things going in this process. In addition to cooking, you will have to hit the grocery store to pick up supplies, find a recipe and check your pantry for which you already have ingredients. When separated, it's reallyfour Tasks, not a - but you never knew that looking "cook cookies" on your task list.

You use questions.

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Never put an item on your list with a question mark at the end. If this article is done, then super; If this is not the case, it will just go to the list of next days. The use of a question mark will only make a task only if it does not belong to the list, making it less likely to be.

You put the tasks that require efforts.

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AnybodywantsWait for the line for hours at the DMV or if you are sitting with the phone company in the hope that a real human will pick up. But put these tasks offered for days and days will not make them more stressful - after all, they are on your list of things to do for a reason. And if you struggle with stress, try these12 genius tips to transform anxiety into excitement.

You only keep a list of tasks to do.


Many people have found success by also doing anot-to do list. Examples of what to do there? Do not plan for meetings in the morning. Do not forget to take breaks during the workday. Do not agree to take more than you can handle. Many executives, as an investorTim Ferriss, swear by this method,noting that "what you do not determine what you can do."

You discuss everything at once.

Woman is overwhelmed/stressed by so many things to do.

Aim to slowly check the tasks of your list of things to do throughout the day. Otherwise, you may overwhelm you too much to do in too little time, which is precisely which list to try to avoid. And if you struggle with time management skills, try them60 best productivity hacks of 60 seconds.

Your task list is disorganized.

being naturally messy says a lot about a cluttered personality

All the purpose of a list of things to do is make your life more organized, which will never happen if your tasks are written at random on the post-it notes scattered around your office. You will benefit from investing in a laptop or in a scheduler where all your tasks are available in one place. And if you need help clean your office space, try them20 easy tips to keep your office organized.

You do not define reminders.

constantly forgetting things is an over 40s myth

With everything on your plate, we can not expect everything to remember everything about your list of things to do and when it must be done by. This is why it is essential to define alarm notifications resembling reminders on your phone - to remind you when deadlines approach quickly. (And of course your list of tasks should always be close!)

You do not write anything.

Woman remembering something

Do not count on your brain to remember everything that needs to be done. When you engage your tasks in memory, you may miss deadlines and forget about important tasks, so simply take the extra time to note them all below. But if you want to learn what is your memorycando, check these35 FAST FACTS ON YOUR MEMORY.

You do not use the threeDs.

Woman Being Bullied Sexist at Work

The threeDS, according toPriority life bloggerMegan Nye, are:DELETE useless tasks.DElee the items that someone else can handle adequately.DEfir non-urgent activities at a later date. NYE says these practices significantly shorten your task list and unload some of the stress of your plate. And for more ways to be productive and stress-free, try the20 best ways to be more sophisticated at work.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Career
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