7 signs that your skin tries to tell you that you have coronavirus

If you have had itchy eruptions or strange bumps lately, take note. Some symptoms of coronavirus are just in depth of the skin.

Every day, we learn more about the coronavirus and the strange and unique ways it presents. And recently, some developments that indicate that the virus could manifest themselves in other places except for your lungs and your stomach. If you have itching cutaneous rashes or strange bumps on your arms, legs, knees or toes recently, take note. Because it turns out, someSymptoms of coronavirus actually emerge on your skin.

"We do not understand exactly why, but many viruses that also cause upper respiratory tract infections.Causes skin rashes in the skin, "Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetics andClinical research in dermatology At Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, saidPrevention."Perhaps maybe the result of our immune system reacting [to] the virus or the virus can have a direct effect on the skin itself."

In fact, "there isvarious Cutaneous reactions at this stage of infection COVID-19, "Davis Davis, MD, President of theDivision of clinical dermatology At the Mayo Clinic, Yahoo! Way of life. She added that people should be aware of the coronavirus effect on the skin, "even if they haveNo other symptoms compatible with COVID-19. "To find out more, read it for seven symptoms of coronavirus that could appear on your skin. And for more symptoms to become aware of, check6 new symptoms of coronavirus the CDC wants you to know.


Hives on arm

The medical term is "urticaria", but it is more commonly called hives. At the end of March, an Italian doctor submitted a letter to the publisher of theJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereteology, describingDiseases of the skin At COVID-19 patients. According to his research, about 20% of the 88 CIVID-19 patients analyzed in the Lombardy region of Italy had some sort of rash. Three percent of patients had specifically "widespread urticaria".

"Some Patients with COVID-19 showed small to medium hives spreading on their body, and then develop in size - although some patients remain of the same size," said Davis Yahoo! Way of life.

Bumps resembling chickenpox

young girl with chickenpox scratching her back

In the same Italian study, one of the 88 coronavirus patients has presented a dimeric rash. And in another study in Italy, doctors noted that a cutaneous rash at chicken esque is "aSkin manifestation associated with Covid-19 rare but specific. "The difference between these Covid-19 bumps and chicken chickenpox is that the first is less likely to demarrate and nine of the patients studied had no itchy and six itching. And for more symptoms of Covid-19 to become aware children, discover7 signs that your child could have coronavirus.

A purple tree pattern on your legs or arms

livedo rash on woman's arm

This may look like varicose veins may actually be a rash related to Covid-19. The medical term is "Viveo reticularis" and, according to theMAYO ClinicIt is "a vascular affection characterized by a spotted and purple discoloration of the skin, usually on the legs". "Some patients with COVID get a livedo pattern on their skin," said Davis to Yahoo! Way of life. In fact, in a study on Spain of 375 CIVID-19 patients, six percentLivedo exhibit.

Red cutaneous eruptions that have expanded

woman scratching her back

According toTime,In early April, a dermatology organization representing more than 400 French dermatologists reported that doctors had seenSYMPTOMS OF SKIN LIKE RED CARPTIONS Among the likely patients of COVID-19.Rajeev Fernando, MD, an infectious expert from the disease in Southampton, in New York, saidPrevention that it isseen "many" rashes in coronavirus patients. "It is often a cutaneous rash [red] erythematosus," he said at the exit, adding that it can be "broadcast or spread".

Pinue eruption and itching on your chest and your members

rash on torso

Alisa Femia, MD,Director of Hospitalized Dermatology and a self-immune connective tissue disease specialist at Nyu Langone, saysTimeThat "patients who end up hospitalized [for COVID-19] often develop a pink rash and itchy on their torso and their members". And for more signs of Covid-19, you need to know, check7 silent symptoms of seniors coronaviruses need to know.

Small red spots, brunettes or purple

petechiae on knee due to bruise

A paper published in theJournal of the American Academy of Dermatologyreported in Thailand,A COVID-19 patient has developed a rash called "petechee," who are "round stainswhich appear on the skin due to bleeding. The bleeding causes petechia to appear in red, brown or purple ", according to the Mayo clinic. In fact, the patient was wrongly diagnosed with dengue fever, which is widespread in Thailand and often causes peteches. It was only later that the subject was. Diagnosed with COVID-19 As a result, the doctors who have published the CAUTION report: "It is possible that a patient could covid-19 initially present with a rash that can be mistakenly diagnosed as another common disease. And for more Misdiagnose, consult20 Most health issues of poorly diagnosed men.

Covid toes

Person rubbing their foot in pain

Purple, blue, red or discoloration toes also known as Covid Orteils has been more and moresymptom of coronavirus.Ebbing Lautenbach, MD,Head of Infectious Diseases At the University of the Pennsylvania Medicine School, saidUnited States todaythisCovid toes Are "usually painful to the touch and could have a hot burning sensation. They are often confused with frostbite. In the previously mentioned study on Spain, 19 percent of patients have COVID toes.

Categories: Health
By: vince
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