This device can detect coronavirus two weeks before his fatal

Using a single health gadget can alert you if you Covid-19.

In the race to contain the coronavirus, many medical experts are looking to gadgets that can detect disease before symptoms appear. In the early stages of the pandemic, doctors suggested that people buy personalOximeters pulse. Second, technology companies and research laboratories are matched to test whether portable devices likeFitbits and the tip of the tipOura Ring-What tracks heart rate, temperature changes and sleep schedules may predict disease. Despite all these innovations, a basic device still reigns supreme in the detection of coronavirus: a thermometer.

But we are not talking about any ordinary thermometer.Kinsa is a company that buildsintelligent thermometers that detect outbreaks Covid-19two weeks before turning fatal. Thermometers take your temperature and record the final reading to an application, where you can add the symptoms you may encounter. The app guides you through triage questions so that you know what steps to take if you are sick. It even connects you to a doctor or an urgent care by clicking a button. You can see how the thermometer works Kinsa here:

Since the thermometer of the US administration and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Kinsa thermometer in 2014, followed by the application of models and flu fever by zip code. (Individuals remain anonymous to protect their medical privacy.) As coronavirus has swept the United States, experts studied data from the application and found that there are likely fevers atypical trends to case Covid-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)89% of hospitalized patients coronavirus had a fever. This information is therefore essential for early detection of Coronavirus.

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After analyzing metrics zip code, Kinsa launched aHealth Weather Map that breaks the tips of the disease in each county and showsrate at which the disease spreads in real time. For example, on June 9 Kinsa detected high levels of transmission "indicative of an epidemic"In Florida and Texas, CEO KinsaInder Singh says "Here and Now". The following week, they noticed an increase in transmission levels in Oklahoma and Missouri. The warning signs were accurate: these fourStates are now hot spots due to an increase in cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations.

These data could help epidemiologists to monitor the transmission and advise the reopening strategies. In fact, Philadelphia was the first city toDistribute Kinsa thermometers and use the forecasts to determine the security protocols. Kinsa also works with a number of states, such as Connecticut, Idaho, Colorado and Oregon, to donate $ 30 Thermometers for local communities, particularly those who are underserved or low income.

"The whole reason we started the company is to detect, predict and respond to outbreaks," said Singh. "And this is an opportunity for us to use the data to have a significant impact of the truly massive public health." For more news Covid-19, checkThat's how much you are likely to get coronavirus this year, says the doctor.

Categories: Health
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