You have to stop believing this myth of common mask, the study says

If you think wearing a mask increases your risk of contracting the virus, reflect again.

It has been shown that the port of a mask has been demonstrated to mitigate the propagation of coronavirus by reducing the amount of potentially infected respiratory droplets introduced into a given area. The search suggests that wearing a mask can evenreduceyour risk of contracting coronaviruses 65%. The only problem? Some people fear that masks can cause people who take them to take a less stringent approach to other coronavirus mitigation strategies. In fact, on June 5, the World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidelines suggesting that wearing a mask couldlead to a false sense of security In some people, make them less likely to practice social distance orAdequate hand hygiene.

A young woman putting on a protective mask

Here are some good news: an analysis of the research published in theBmj July 26 reveals thatwear a mask is not really winding most people give up other protective measures. The researchers examined six studies that evaluated the efficiency of the mask with viral transmission, as well as the respect of hand hygiene practices. In the six studies that examined both variables, people who wore masks were no less likely to wash themselves adequately than those who did not wear masks. In two studies, people who wore masks reported having really washed their hands more frequently.

TheBmj The authors of the study noted that concerns about people who do not make adequate precautions against mask side viral transmission under "the greatest threat to public health by delaying potentially effective interventions".

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So, what are the best ways to limit coronavirus transmission in conjunction with a mask use? Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) recommends practicing social distangeage-I.e., Now at least six feet away between you and all the people you do not live in interior and exterior settings. In terms of hand hygiene, the CDC suggestsWash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds By rinsing, including before and after touching public surfaces before and after touching your face, before and after food preparation or consumption, and after coughing or sneezing. And for more expert means to protect you, consult these50 security tips Covid essentials the CDC wants you to know.

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