5 surprising things that slash your coronavirus coronation

You would never guess these things reduce your chances of getting sick.

Every day, researchers learn new things on the coronavirus novel that illuminate the way we can fight against it. Although we all know that social distance, washing obsessive hands and the mask mask can do wonders to flatten the curve, these more recent discoveries about things that lower our risk are much less obvious and, in some cases, Also impacted.

As we propose to reopen cities across the country and head in a second possible wave of the virus, we will need all the ideas we can have to stay safe. These five surprising things can significantly reduce your risk of coronavirus, which is good news for youand All people you will not succeed. And get up to the rules of public health, discover why theWhich has just changed its coronavirus mask guidelines.

Have adequate ventilation at home

brunette woman opening white window

On arecent study Published inInternational environment, havingAdequate ventilation inside Can make all the difference when it comes to avoiding coronavirus transmission. The interiors that use particle filtration and air disinfection devices have a much lower risk of air suspension infection, but even simple patches, such as keeping your windows open for a better flow of Air can have a positive effect. And for more advice on the safety of your home, checkThe only design error of the house that makes your home more dangerous.

Eye protection

man with mask at opthamologist

We all know that to cope with the masks to cover our mouths and our noses can have a significant impact on our safety of the new coronavirus, but a less known fact is thatprotect your eyes is also crucial in the fight against transmission.

Although the EPP shields give optimal protection, the American Academy of Ophthalmology shares that corrective lenses or sunglasses can also offer advantages. Although they are careful that finer particles can move around the vertices and sides of these lenses, the wearing glasses can always provide a line of defense of sneezing and cough, reducing your risk of global infection.

Take your shoes before starting inside

pile of shoes

If you are not already in the habit, it's a good time to start taking your shoes at the front door. Disease Control Centers (CDC)Shared a recent study This tested the plant of the shoes of the ICU workers and determined that more than half of them had traces of the virus in their envelope samples.

While your typical civilian who does not spend the day in a hospital environment is much less likely toWear the virus on their shoesThis simply shows that the transmission is possible if you enter the spindle, the gum or the droplets of sneeze. And when you are ready to target all your high risk habits, make sure to check these15 apparently inocouse habits that increase the risk of coronavirus.

Have a cold

woman with cold blowing her nose

Good news if you have recentlyrecovered from a cold: This week spent sneezing and sniffing could provide you with protection against coronavirus. Arecent study Published in the newspaperCell I found that tips in T cells often present after a patient has recovered cold (another type of coronavirus) can promote COVID-19 antiviral immunity. You may not be able to control if you have recently had a cold, but it's definitely a cash lining if you have.

Live alone, or wear a mask at home

woman wearing mask with dog at home

Although life alone can be particularly difficult during these isolation times, assured: there is a serious silver lining to live solo right now. A study, which has not yet been examined by peers, revealed that nearly 80% of coronavirus casesstems from the household interior-In that live alone does not cut your risk of global infection. If you live with family or roommates,Wear a mask in your house Can also do wonders to keep you safe and your loved ones safe.

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