How yoga can increase your sex life, according to experts
A stronger core and greater corporal awareness are just some of the ways that yoga improves your sex life.

You probably heard thatYoga Can give a variety of health benefits, including a reduction in stress and anxiety, improvement of breathing and heart health, as well as strengthening the strength and ability to balance. But did you know that yoga canImprove your sex life, too much? And no, you do not need to dofantasy movements To harvest these rewards - just practice yoga on a regular basis can give enormous benefits to bed. Of course, increased endurance and flexibility that come with years of practicing yoga can help with obvious reasons. Which is less obvious is the concentration of yoga on theConnecting the mind Can improve your sexual pleasure by increasing your awareness of every less detail in the body.
"Every yoga pose makes you more aware of your body's sensations"Catalina Lawsin, PhD, a clinical health psychologist at psychotherapy without borders, saidBetter life. "Is your neck tense? Does your jaw feel tight? This practice translates into the way you start to notice your sensations duringsexual activity with yourself and / or a partner. The most present and connected you are yours, the more pleasantsex will be."
Lawsin adds that many of the postures and breathing exercises in yoga can also increase the blood flow to your sexual organs, which makes them more sensitive. These breathing poses and techniques reinforce your central floor and pelvic floor - a group of muscles that support your sexual organs, which can lead to longer anddeeper orgasms. A 2010 study published in theSexual medicine newspaper revealed that yoga can reduce erectile dysfunction in men and women, it can reduce pain during sex and increase lubrication and orgasms, according to a 2009 study in thejournal. At least partly partly thanks to how yoga practice can regularly help mitigate performance anxiety.
"High stress can cause a decrease insex libido, the production of lower testosterone in men and even affects the ability of women to conceive, "Laura Finch, a yoga instructor and founder ofYoga Kali, RecountBetter life. "Yoga Reduced stress By decreasing the sympathetic activity (alias combat or the flight response) and by increasing the parasympathetic activity (feeding and breed reaction) ". (This effect on the parasympathetic nervous system is also one of the reasons why experts believeYoga helps you sleep better.)
But some of the sexual benefits of yoga are also psychological. A 2018 study of 75 women aged 18 to 30, published in the newspaperSex roles, noted that this is only 12 weeks of yoga reduces body dissatisfaction in women. And, as we all know, a better body image leads to a better sex.
Finally, practicing the art of moving meditation - as yoga is often called - can help strengthen your link with your partner. A 2019 study published in theJournal of Sex & Marital Therapy In 194, the married heterosexual couples in their 30s, 40, 50 years old and 60sfoundCouples who practiced full consciousness had a better sex life. This is because the practice of regular yoga helps you to resume on someone elsebody language also.
"Yoga classes combine listening skills and communication skills",Omri Kleinberger, CEO of the company of well-being and mindfulnessOmeta, RecountBetter life. "Even if it is only the teacher who speaks is a dialogue, not a monologue, because the aspect of the nonverbal communication of the class is very deep."
And since sex is probably the biggest form ofnon-verbal communication, a small yoga could be what the doctor ordered if you want to improve your sex life. And for more ways to give your sex life a boost, here's50 ways to have a healthy sex life after 40 years.

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