Why lose weight slowly is better than doing it quickly

Free your inner turtle.

When you decideWant to lose weightIt is natural that you would like to lose as many books as possible as quickly as possible. Maybe you have a beach vacation or a big wedding to come, and you want to be in your best body. Or maybe you just like the thrill to walk on the ladder every week and see the number of be inferior and lower.

Anyway, we often forget that losing weight should not be part of the appearance that overall health. And, according to a new published studyin theJournal Obesity, people who lose weight quickly compared to those who lose it slowly receive no additional health advantage.

In the past, he believed largely that loss of books is quickly better reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes than to do so at a slower rate and has lost more weight in total. But some research indicates that losing more than one to two pounds a week also increases the risk of bile calculations. To determine which method was really better, the researchers examined the data between July 2008 and July 2017. Of 11,283 patients who attended the Wharton Medical Clinic Weight Management Program their results indicate that when it comes to your health? Speed ​​to which you lose weight is not as important as the total amount of lost books.

"With the same book for weight loss, there is no difference in terms of health benefits if you lose weight fast or slow,"Jennifer KukAssociate Professor at the University Faculty of York University and the Leader of the Study Study,said in a university newsletter. "However, given the risk of bile calculations with faster weight loss, trying to lose weight to one to two books recommended per week is the safest option."

The study is limited by the fact that it consisted mainly of middle-aged women, many of whom attended the clinic for less than two years. But this confirms that losing weight at 1 to 2 pounds recommended per week is the best option for your overall health.

The study also found that if you lose weight quickly or if you do not have a significant impact on your ability to keep it. If your goal is not just losing weight, but also maintaining weight loss, the speed you lose weight is not as important as your way of doing it.

"It's not the speed you lose weight that counts is the method"Jillian Michaels, a personal trainer and a certified nutrition consultant and well-being,written on his website. "I had success after the success of taking more than 100 pounds of people, and they held it for years. It's the way you lose weight that is the most crucial part! You have lost weight through exercise and clean eating - it should not be a problem for you to maintain your weight loss. On the side reversal, if you have lost weight by more extreme measurements, like famine , cleaning or crash diets - it's much more likely than everyone the weight you lost will come just as fast. "

In addition to increasing your calculatory calculation risk, there is also evidence suggesting that losing weight quickly because of what is commonly called "yo-yo diet" can trigger the response from famine in the body, deprive it of vitamins and essential nutrients, make you feel grayed and tired all the time,Disturb your sleep cycleand even cause anemia. The only instance in which losing more than 2 pounds a week is considered a good health is if you are extremely overweight or obese, since people who have a bigger body mass naturally burns more calories because the body should spend more energy to keep up.

Finally, it should be noted that the medical community is growing more and more to the belief that fat is stored on your body (that is, your hips compared to your abdomen) are more of your indicator of your health that your body mass index (BMI). For more things about that, discoverWhy the hip-sized ratios are so important for women andwhy size-height ratios are so important for men .

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Categories: Health
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