13 ways of holidays are bad for your health

Discover all the ways of holidays can affect your well-being, mentally and physically.

The holidays are a time to enjoy a very necessary break at work, relax with family and friends and impatience what the new year will bring. Or at least that's what theyshould to be. In reality, the "most wonderful time of the year" can bring a wide range ofhealth problems, at the same time mentaland physical. OfHeight Height Crises Rates aggravate depression, here's how the holidays are actuallyBad for your health.

Increased cardiac attack rates.

Woman with heart pain in the winter

Although you assume that all this joy and this joy of the holidays isGood for your heartThe opposite is actually true. In fact, a 2018 study published in theBritish medical newspaper found that Christmas Eve was associated with a 37% increase in the number of cardiac crises. The authors of the study note that the elderly and people withCompromised immune systems Are especially vulnerable to heart complications, so if you fall into one or other of these categories, pay attention to this Christmas!

Family stress weighs on your mind and body.

Male between mother and wife, trying to stop confrontation

For many people, the holidays can be an incredibly stressful period. And unfortunately, this stress can sometimes come from time spent with the family, with a complicated dynamic and years of history raising their ugly heads. In a 2015 survey bySatellite, for example, 65% of the Gen Xers and 61% of the millennia described their level of stress as high during the holidays - and one of thelarger sources of stress For respondents? "Family drama."

Another 2018 survey conducted byOnepoll In conjunction with OMPRAZOLE ODT, a similar conclusion when they discovered that one of the main sources ofholiday stress Among the respondents, "participating in conversation with family and friends". Naturally, these discussions on past politics and incidents are not really inspiring inner peace! And we do not have to tell youWhat is bad stress For your mind, your body and your soul.

Loneliness sets in.


Although some people are stressed by their family members during the holidays, others unfortunately do not have family members do not feel stressed. A 2019 survey byAGE U.K. found that Christmas was theThe strongest hour of the year For more than 1.5 million seniors, 23% of respondents said that it brings back too many memories of loved ones they lost. If you know a person who has no one who has no one to spend holidays with this season, reach out and offer them a place to go after all, a 2018 survey conducted by the health insurerCiga foundto be solitary is also bad for your health As a smoker 15 cigarettes a day!

The flu season is in full swing.

sick black man under a blanket looking at a thermometer

The holidays are in the middle ofinfluenza season, with the disease becoming more and more widespread in October and generally culminating between December and February, by theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC).

Influenza is angry during the winter months for a combination of reasons, notesWebmd. To begin, the virus survives longer in less wet interior environments. And of course, during the winter, people spend more time inside - usually close to other people who facilitate the spread of the flu virus. Since there is no time of the year when you get closer to your nearest and your most expensive than you do during the holidays, the flu goes just around and around.

And the stomach flu is common too.

Nauseous man is bent over in pain with some sort of stomach bug

Do not be confused with the flu, the influenza of the stomach is also common during the holiday season. It is caused by very contagious norovirus, whose epidemics are most commonly considered from November to April, according to theCDC.

Norovirus propagates via contaminated foods and surfaces, so that Christmas remains pose a real risk. To avoid getting sick this season, theCDC Advise refrigerated perishable food within two hours and neverDefrost frozen remains On the counter since the bacteria multiply to the ambient temperature.

Seasonal depression hits.

senior black couple sitting separately on a couch after having an argument

Seasonal emotional disorder, or sad, is described by theNational Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) as "a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons, usually beginning in late fall or early winter." Common symptoms include Sad have low energy, hypersomnia (excessive sleep time or drowsiness), overeating and social withdrawal. Of course, depression - seasonal disorder or major depression - maylaughing all kinds of havoc Your physical health also increase your blood pressure, your risk of heart disease and trigger your migraines.

And clinical depression may worsen.

sad man on christmas

If you have a major depressive disorder or clinical depression, high expectations, worries of money and social pressure to be in a constant state of joy can all lead to aDepressive episode during the holidays, according toMAYO Clinic. "For thoseManaging Depression which may have already struggles with symptoms of fatigue, irritability, sadness and feeling unable to cope with a change or added stress, the result of all the extraholiday stress may simply feel unable to meet those expectations, which can unfortunately lead to increased feelings of depression, "psychologistAnita Sanz, PhD, writes onQuora.

Social anxiety takes the fun evenings.

Woman looking bored and anxious at a Christmas party

Disorder social anxiety affects more than 15 million American adults, according to theAssociation of anxiety and depression of America. And although this is not a seasonal condition, the holidays can be particularly difficult for those with anxiety. Betweenoffice parties, Large family gatherings and other events, social gatherings tend to be a staple base during this time of year. In addition, people are supposed to accept invitations and attend all events, even if it is secretly their worst nightmare. If you know someone who has social anxiety, compréhensiez if they refuse an invitation to your holiday party. Those with anxiety which began in difficult situations time and time again may experience headaches, dizziness and rapid heart rates, accordingSatellite.

Spike cholesterol levels.

Doctor working with test tubes of blood

Pay attention to your cholesterol this holiday season. WhenScientists in Denmark Tested cholesterol levels of more than 25,000 Danish in 2018 and are looking for seasonal variations in the results, they found that the average levels of total cholesterol were 15% higher from December to January in May and June. LDL cholesterol levels - the so-called"Bad" cholesterol-Aso increased 20% over the same period. And asMAYO Clinic Explains, high cholesterol, which can cause a blockage of the artery, puts you at risk for a host of health problems, including heart attack and stroke.

Binge drinking toll.

champagne poured at holiday party

Binge drinking during the holidays is a major public health problem, notesAlcool.org. But a 2013 survey commissioned byCaron Treatment Centers found that many people "have no senseHow much alcohol is safe to consume or how it affects them when they spend the low risk limits, "asHarris Stratyner, PhD, Regional Clinical Vice President of Caron Treatment Centers, said in a statement. For your own knowledge,National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Sets the consumer frenzy asModel drinking This causes the blood alcohol concentration from person to 0.08 gram percent or more. This usually happens when men consume five or more drinks or when women consume four or more drinks in a two-hour window.

Caron Treatment Centers have also reported that 60% of adults attendingsupporters "Witnessing dangerous and even illegal behavior." Of course, a wild night lead to a wild mouth mouth, but over time, consumption binge can cause any number of health problems, from heart disease to brain damage, notesUS News and World Report.

And overeating has unpleasant consequences.

large family at christmas

With so many delicious party food to choose from, it's easy to surdit during the holidays. But when you do, your stomach becomes far beyond its normal size to adjust, which grows against other organs and causes an embarrassment, according to theMD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas. And to try to break down the food you eat, your body produces hydrochloric acid, which can save in the esophagus if you eat too much. The result isstomach pains, which is never a treat. The other unpleasant side effects of the meal are excess gas, perspiration and vertigo.

Festive traditions can be dangerous.

Middle aged man on the rooftop of a house installing a string o Christmas lights. His ladder is nearby.

The last place that anyone who wants to beDuring the holidays is the E.R. And yet, many people find themselves there when they should celebrate. According to an analysis byInsurance quotes On the basis of the national electronic injury monitoring system (Neiss), there was an increase of 845,000Holiday injuries During Christmas Week between 2006 and 2016. So be careful while scoring lights or taking them, when cooking Christmas ham, and while sculpting it too!

And people give medical help, which is just worse their diseases.

Sick during Christmas christmas perfectionism

Sometimes peopleget sick during the holidaysAnd what reveals worse is that they do not receive medical help. This could be because they are in another city or another city, are simply too busy or do not want to disturb their doctor about their days off.

"Never delay care, especially if you have a new symptom that can be threatening by life," says Caesar Djavaherian , MD, a doctor of the emergency room and co-founder of Carbon health . "In the emergency department, we all took care of too many people who have delayed care and ended up die of heart attacks, sepsis and stroke because they did not want to seek care during the vacation."

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