That's exactly how long you are both safe to become Covid, says CDC

If you are worried about capturing the coronavirus again, here is how many long experts say that you are probably immune.

One of the largest mysteries around Covid-19 is whether or notContract the virus gives you an immunity against descending with the disease again. WhileAntibody test Provided some measure of comfort to those who have already been infected, people's reportsreinfect Having serious doubt about whether you stay safely in the virus for a long time. But now, there is good news. Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) announced thatIf you got Covid-19, you can expect to remain immune to the virus for 90 days..

On July 27, call with media members,John Brooks, MD, chief medical officer of the CDC Covid-19 response team, said coronavirus patients should be temporarily protected from reinfection if they remain asymptomatic "for 90 days after their date of infection or their diagnostic date. "

Brooks has developed that health professionals "feel insured" than "in the short few months after being infected, you are not at risk of recovering it or transmitting it to others."

A close up of a technician wearing blue gloves placing a drop of blood on a COVID-19 antibody test strip

Minimize the risk of transmitting the virus to others, anyone who confirmed likely or confirmedcase of coronavirus should start isolating As soon as they feel symptoms or receive a positive test. AfterStay inside and far from others For 10 days, if patients do not have persistent symptoms and have been free from fever for 24 hours without using fever reducers, they can leave the house again.

If you have not had a positive coronavirus test or symptoms, but if you had an exposure to someone with COVID, theCDC guidelines are even more stringent. For anyone who came into contact with an infected person - if their case of coronavirus is confirmed or probable in the laboratory - theCDC recommends a 14-day quarantine period. (This is because it can take up to 14 days for the symptoms emerging after being infected.)

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However, just because you have recovered from a diagnosis of confirmed or suspected coronaviruses does not mean that you should launch caution in the wind. Brooks noted that people who feel symptoms again should exercise caution and be reused, and that everyone, whether they are coronavirus or not, should continue to wear masks in public or when they are around anyone? do not live in lodging them. And for more insight on Covid's immunity, checkIt turns out that we can all have some immunity in Covid, new study programs.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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