17 things you should never store in your attic

Do not let this storage error ruin your possessions taken.

Your attic seems to be the ideal place to eliminate all these items that you can not stand to separate, butI do not want to clutter your house, your old annuals to these clothes you come fromknow You will integrate again one day. However, while this "out of sight" mentality "may work when it comes to staying organized, the closing of certain things in your attic could make them unusable before knowing it.

OfThings ravage pests to feast For those who get dangerous when stored at the wrong temperature, read it to discover the things you should avoid storing in your attic at all costs. And to avoid ruining more popular property, check these33 articles that you all store badly.


cleaning supplies, things you shouldn't store in your basement

If you store flammable chemicals, whether used for cleaning, photography or home repair, you want to keep them out of your attic. "Flammable or dangerous items should not be stored in the attic with extreme temperatures ... These items canMake a fire in your house, "said professional organizerSusan Santoro, founder of the organization websiteOrganized31, which notes that chemicals can also flee when they are not stored in climate controlled spaces. And if you want to keep this space Vierré, check these13 brilliant ways to refuse your attic, according to experts.

Holiday decorations

Christmas decoration on abstract background,vintage filter,soft focus, things you should never store in your attic
Shutterstock / ID-Art

Your holidays could simply be much less happy this year if you store your decorations in the attic. "Holiday decorations Can be damaged by extreme heat in the attics, "says Santoro." Delicate tissues and painted items are particularly inclined to damage during attic "and plastic decorations, such as ornaments, can melt or deform in heat.


make your home cozy, things you shouldn't store in your basement

If you hope to transmit beloved paintings to the next generation, make sure you do not store them in your attic. "[Art] can bedamaged by pests... and by extreme temperature changes in the attic, "says Santoro.


leather recliner, things you shouldn't store in your basement
Shutterstock / Vladimir Jotov

You want to keep this virgin sweetheart leather chair? Make sure you do not store it in your attic. According to Santoro, the leather is particularly sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, and it can be tinted by moisture in wet environments or start cracking under too dry conditions. And if you reflect the bonus rooms of your home, check these17 amazing ways to turn your basement into a beautiful space.

Cardboard boxes

women taping moving boxes, things you should never store in your attic
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

These cardboard boxes stacked in your attic could become a real buffet for mouse and insects if you are not careful. "Parasites are attracted by the cardboard and glue used in the construction of the box," says Santoro. "The boxes break down and will also disintegrate, which will attract even more parasites."


green books things you shouldn't store in your basement

If you want to keep these booked books in good condition, keep them out of your attic, says Santoro. "The extreme temperature in the attic, and moisture and parasites ... can damage the paper souvenir objects," she says.


musical instrument, things you shouldn't store in your basement

"You usually do not want to store instruments in an attic because the heat rises and there is moisture there," saysLucas Workman, brass repair technician atSiegfried call, a horn outfitter based in New York. Unless your attic is not controlled by the climate, "This is not the best place to store in particular wooden or stringed instruments. This is especially true if the instrument is sitting in a fabric case. "

Woolen clothes and blankets

pile of cozy winter sweaters, things you shouldn't store in your basement

Although your attic can look like a safe place to keep the sweaters and woolen blankets until the winter rides around, store them in an attic could possibly make them unusable.

"Heat, moisture and cold can cause ravages about your fabric objects," saysKarin soccia Certified Konmar Certified Certified Certified Consultant and owner ofThe serene house. "It's even more true for things from natural fibers, such as wool." In addition, the granaries are notorious harans for harmful organisms such as night butterflies and carpet beetles, which can quickly pose waste to your precious property.


man on laptop, things you shouldn't store in your basement

If you store electronic devices in your attic, you could be uncomfortably surprised to find them less than functional in the future. According to the agronomist engineerB.R. StewartThe attics without air conditioning can reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit by a hot day. And it'smannerToo hot for your electronics to survive. Apple recommends using their computers between 50 and 95 degrees, while other devices, such as televisions and phones, can easily overheat or even deform if they are left in intense heat.

Fire extinguishers

fire extinguisher on the wall, things you shouldn't store in your basement

Hoping to keep yourHome Safe with a fire extinguisher? You may want to find a more climate controlled space than your attic to store it. According to the fire safety companyKiddeBy storing one in a warmer space than 120 degrees Fahrenheit can reduce the lifetime of a fire extinguisher - and can even shorten the discharge time.


Batteries, things you shouldn't store in your basement

These spare batteries may not be long for this world if you keep them in a warm and wet attic. According to Duracell, the privileged environment for the batteries issomewhere at room temperature. At high temperatures, like the ones you could find in your attic, the batteries can quickly lose energy or even start fleeing, you can be configured for a chemical burn.

Wooden furniture

broken folding chair things you shouldn't store in your basement
Shutterstock / Subin Pumsom

This ancient cabinet that your grandmother has given you a more temperate climate than your attic can offer. Under intense heat, wood can deform. And if your attic is not finished, the parasites can damage these precious parts.


red candle on shag carpet, things you shouldn't store in your basement
Shutterstock / George Nazmi Bebawi

This emergency reserve of the candles that you have maintained at your fingertips for electricity failures will not make you a lot of good if you put them in your attic. Temperatures above average in an unfinished attic during the summer could leave you with a molten wax mess.

To paint

painted floorboards things you shouldn't store in your basement
Shutterstock / Ozgur Coskun

The temperature fluctuations in your attic could mean that your next painting work is more a disaster than a masterpiece. Heat and cold can change the consistency of painting. And, if the box is not firmly sealed, high temperatures can dry it quickly.

Art Supplies

Crayons, things you shouldn't store in your basement

If you plan to store the pencils of your children and the artisanal glue in the attic for future use, think there again. These high temperatures of your attic have the potential to melt these pencils, dry this glue and send you a crazy craft store.

Beauty products

makeup brushes things you shouldn't store in your basement

Use a hot and stifled attic like your own personal glamère room? You may want to reconsider. In addition to the potentially melting of any precious product, moisture can also encourage the growth of the mold in natural or preservative formulas.


woman looking through her medications in her medicine cabinet, things you should never store in your attic

While keeping refills on prescription or moreOTC drug In your attic may seem a smart way to keep the reach of children, it can lead to many problems. In addition to gel capsules that potentially melt the heat, some medications can lose their effectiveness when stored at high temperatures. And to avoid other storage errors, see these17 things you should never store in your basement.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home
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