Resolutions of the best new year for 2020

Here are lasting new year resolutions, you will not be landing two weeks.

This is the perfect time to think about the year and start planning how you can become healthier from you in 2020. We are not just talking about the first two weeks of January, either. Year after year, innumerablePositive resolutions are made, but by the end of the month, they can no longer be at the forefront of your mind - because, well, life.

Often,Resolutions die After the first weeks of the new year, because they are simply not lasting. Start thinking about your new year's resolutions as a lifestyle change, not a route plan. We asked doctors to share resolutions that they and their colleagues would consider the best New Year's resolutions that you can make for sustainable results in the coming year. Also, make sure to check the simple,healthy habits You can change for 2020 to maximize your healthy results!

Here are the best resolutions of New Year, according to doctors.


Make a plan that you stick to you all year round.

man writing

"Do not plan to do everything in January and does not pick behaviors that are nebulous as" I will start working more. "Instead, create a plan and add behaviors, as needed, throughout the year. Habits take time to train and you may feel submerged, or constrain, if you overload -You. Start with one, be comfortable with another. Create calendar reminders now to stay on the task later. "

-Laura F. Dabney®


Start exercising fun so that you really do it.

woman smiling while wearing blue fitness sleeveless top and leggings during group workout class of foam rolling at the gym

"Move your body. I do not care if you walk halfway around the block or if you are cycling and bike 50 miles, or go to the gym - you must keep your body moving. You move it either. loose it."

- Dr. Paul Dean, founder ofSKINRESOURCE.MD

"To exercise, do funny things. Meanwhile, this must be done with a friend, so you're actually presenting. For example, walking in the park [and] Shopping are good exercises. Define to cut things that feel bad. "

- Jacob Teitelbaum, MD and author ofTired fantastic!


Look for healthy foods you will really want to eat.

oatmeal with berries in a white bowl

"Find healthy whole foods that you like to add in your diet, instead of cutting the things you enjoy. For example, resolve to add a handful of berries to yourbreakfast every morning. Antioxidants have multiple health benefits. Instead of cutting things, replace a nice thing for another.Soda And fruit juices each have three quarters of teaspoon of sugar per ounce and neither healthy. Instead, substitute [with]tea and soften with Stevia. Or add vegetable juices. "


RELATED:More than 100 healthy breakfast ideas It helps you lose weight and stay slim.


Practice full consciousness in every facet of your life.

eating mindfully

"self-consciousness In our behavior, we will help us achieve our goals. Mindilful Eating will be automatically in favor of health in favor of health - savoring to savor each bite will slow down the speed with which we eat and cut the size of the game. Being aware of pleasant physical activities we will let our fitness goals respect without the feeling of torture. If extended to all aspects of the day, full life makes life more complete. We can simply stop saying, "Where is the last year?" "

- Suman Radhakrishna, MD


Stay hydrated throughout the day.

Woman drinking water at gym

"Drink more water! I usually recommend four bottles of 16 ounces of water consumption daily for my patients. It helps to rinse the urinary tract of the bacteria and also prevents the formation of stones. The first-line therapy in the prevention of UTI is the most common hydration and cause of renal calculations is a concentrated urine, so please drink drinking. "

-Anika Ackerman, Md, urologist


Limit the consumption of red meat at once a week.

woman eating steak

"It's not just fat in red meat, it's the chemicals of red meat that increases the incidence ofcertain cancers. Stop eating red meat more than once a week. "

- Dean


Make an effort to reduce your stress levels.

man meditating

"Stress produces chemicals in your brain that damage every organ of your body and it alters yourimmune system. For a healthy immune system, keep your stress levels weak. For low stress levels, exercise every day. "

- Dean


Start eating food in this order for better digestion and nutrient absorption.

Cobb salad against blue background

"The order of your food intake can also be useful in your efforts to get healthy that you strive to establish good habits, you can find that your good digestive tube to eat in this order. 1. Start each meal with fibrous carbohydrates such as a salad, vegetables, etc. 2. After consuming about 1/2 of your fibrous carbohydrates, start eating your protein and fats (part of the meal meat) as well as the rest of your fibrous carbohydrates. 3. Then, slowly start on healthy carbohydrates, such as quinoa or amaranth. 4. Add Jalapenos, Habanero, and Cayenne peppers at your meal. all containcapsaicin (Peppers gives their "shot"), a chemical shown to help increase the metabolism. "

-Dr. Warren Willey, author ofWhat is your doctor look like naked? Your guide for optimal health


Make yourself test for food allergies so you can eliminate discomfort and become more energy.

Overweight woman having consultation at doctor's office

"Eighty-five percent of Americans suffer from food allergies, but they are among the most frequently sub-diagnosed areas of clinical medicine. Indeed, the food allergies unlike, food allergies are generally limited to digestive problems (such as bloating,inflammation, Lethargy) and the symptoms do not always come immediately, which makes it even more difficult to identify the ingredients that disturb your body ".

- Dr. Olga Ivanov, MD, Facs, and owner ofIV LOUNGE


Do not let your resolutions you consume.

Woman drinking tea

"Do not let resolutions become chains. Instead, take them a little lightly. Yes, stick for them as much as possible, but do not take too much pressure on yourself. You must find the right balance that works. After all this, changes are supposed to make your life better and not worse, right? »

- Dabney

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