This search shows the first bit of good news coronavirus in a moment

There is finally something to finally smile about these coronavirus numbers.

The current state of the pandemic coronavirus has brought a flood of updates to new serious. Whatsoever the currentOvervoltage of cases across the country or the best immunologist of the nation saying that there is "basically no end in sight, "There is no scarcity of serious reports that can hold you at night. In the midst of these dark titles, however, there is finally a little good news about the coronavirus in which we can find a small measure of Hope. Projections Updates of the University of the Washington Metric and Health Assessment Institute (IHME) show thatnumber ofVictims of Covid-19 expected In the next four months decreased by about 5,000. It's 5,000 more friends, family members and loved ones who should be alive before November 1st.

The reason? More people aremasks.

In interview with Wednesday with CNN,Ali H. MOKDAD, PhD, Professor of Science Health Metrics at Ihme, explained why theThe projected death toll is currently downwards. "What I have seen is an increase in the use of the mask, particularly in states struck by Covid-19-Texas, California, Florida, Arizona," he said. "And we find a reduction in morbidity in these states. The improvement has been much higher in the states where a mandate has been put in place."

mother putting mask on young daughter
Shutterstock / Tom Wang

The IHME has become a widely accepted resource for reliable projections used by the White House and the media. At the time of publication, it currently lists about 219,000 coronavirus-related deaths on November 1, which exceeds about 224,000 earlier in the week.

It also makes projects that aUNIVERSAL MASK MANDATE-Defined up to 95% of Americans with face coatings - would lead to an extra life of 35,000 saved before November 1st. In its CNN interview, Mokdad said: "A mandate is very important and contributes, and a national mandate, of course, of course, would do much better. "

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IHME updated projections reflect a growing corpus of evidence that masking significantly focused the propagation of CIVID-19. A June study out of Virginia Commonwealth University showed thatCountries that quickly adopted widespread use of the mask had much lower mortality rates than those who do not. And search for thePlairactor of Philadelphia In June found thatdeclares that only their residents wear masks-Ailout require them - Coronavirus cases increase by 84% over a period of two weeks. In comparison, states with mask mandates saw 25% cases during the same period.

Recently,Robert Redfield, MD, Director of Disease Control Centers and Prevention (CDC), gave an overview of how muchMasks can help contain the coronavirus pandemic. In an interview with theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL(Jama) On July 14, he said, "If we could show everyone to wear a mask at the moment, I think in four, six weeks, we could bring this epidemic under control." And if you are confused on what to use to cover, consultYou should not wear one of them instead of a facial mask, CDC warns.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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