Our fast and bright slim plan for fast weight loss

Fast weight loss is not only possible, but also effective for the long-term minor success as the slow and steady method.

In fact, you can not recover the weight if you drop books quickly according to a recent study published in the newspaper.Diabetes and endocrinology. Have a big party or a holiday to come? This 10-day plan is perfect for getting in shape - fast - without the risk of recovering the books you have worked so hard to go back. Use it when you are in a pinch, then return to the methods you use for long-term success.

Note: Depending on the circumference of your intestine, the results may vary.


Go to bed

woman sleeping

The exhaustion is a sneaky saboteur of your weight loss efforts and your stomach is often the first thing to suffer. "Sleep deprivation disrupts your metabolism, seriously sabotage efforts to maintain an ideal weight," said Jana Klauer, Mr.D., Obesity Researcher of St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital. Sleep deprivation throws its laptin levels, a hormone that tells your body the amount of potential energy it stored, confuses your body the next day. Your body has no idea of ​​the amount of energy in bank, then you end up storing fat instead of burning it.

In addition to making your days easier and more enjoyable, you just need to sleep enough energy and help reduce the desires of carbohydrates, notes Klauer. It's even worse for your number too. "Sleep deprivation causes a decline in human growth hormone production," says Klauer. This guarantees fat that your body stores go directly to your stomach. Aim for 7 hours of solid sleep one night.


Power on with proteins

wild salmon

The protein should be the main development of your diet because it is the main component of muscle tissue. During this superspeed slim, aim 1.5 gram of muscle builder by book of your targeted body weight. To stay fed throughout the day, divide your protein intake between all your meals, which you eat three large meals or five to six smallers. Under normal conditions, you should eat about 1 gram by body weight book. Note: Make a point of receiving protein after a workout.


Carbohydrate strategy

sprouted bread

A sure way of having real real pendant quickly? Cut the carbohydrates. Slashing completely your carbohydrate intake melt the books, but you will also be left with unfortunate side effects that can make your daily routine difficult, such as exhaustion and lethargy. "Carbohydrates are essential to life that our brain and CNS requires them to work properly. Limit carbohydrates will allow metabolizing any muscle mass to provide us with energy," says McComsey train. As long as you use them correctly and choose the vouchers, the carbohydrates do not have to reach the sidewalk. "To be skinny, a balance of the right amount of carbohydrates first time in the morning and after training is ideal," he says.

Have a small part of the morning carbohydrates and another post-training.


9 days of lifting

trainer and client lifting weights

To cut your belly and be toned, you have to build muscles; To build muscles, you will have to hit the weights. For the next 10 days, you will lift for 9 days a week.

Perform your lifting workouts at night; Interval training will be part of your morning routine.

Here are your divisions:

Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Chest
Day 3: Back
Day 4: Shoulders
Day 5: Arms
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Legs
Day 8: Chest
Day 9: Back
Day 10: Shoulders


7 days of intervals

treadmill run

If you want to focus quickly, you want to focus on the flab ditch; This is where interval training entered. This type of particular exercise is extremely effective for transforming your physique. Although training at high intensity intensity intervals (or HIIT short) does not need to be part of your normal gym routine studies have noticed that regardless of the type of exercise plan that you have Completed, there is no difference in Ghrelin levels, hormone-it hunger regulation will fettle your calorie fire outside the gym when looking to lose weight quickly.

Make interval interval training sessions on an empty stomach.

Day 1: On
Day 2: On
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: On
Day 5: on
Day 6: Off - Perform a race at the rate 60 minutes
Day 7: On
Day 8: On
Day 9: Off
Day 10: On


To get laid

couple cuddling

Testosterone is responsible for helping the weighting of cutters to put more muscle and retrieve their pump sessions faster (do not worry, ladies, you do not have enough hormone to build muscles Large). The increase in your ideal number of hormone levels is a delicate balance of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and stress. Too much stress in daily activities can release fat storage hormones such as cortisol, making it difficult for the construction of the physical you want. Fortunately, there is a nice way to reduce these unwanted hormones and strengthen muscle testosterone. According to Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, a family doctor and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, "Our best evidence identifies regular exercises, a good night's sleep and a lot of sex as our best bets to increase our muscular hormone king ( aka testosterone). "

Try to "get" every night.


To drink

green tea and weight loss

Choose the right drink before the workout and you examine increased yields for your hard work. We suggest black coffee or green tea.

Two black coffee cups will deliver about 200 mg of caffeine for some calories. Researchers in the United Kingdom have found that caffeine improves the overall performance of the 11.2% exercise. Imagine getting 11% more from each workout, just because you had a caffeine shot before hitting the gym.

Not a coffee drinker? Go with green tea. In a recent 12-week study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea each day with a 25-minute workout lost more weight and belly fat than the exercises of consumption of consumption Botish drinks, an antioxidant type that triggers fat release of fat cells and helps accelerate liver capacity to transform fat into energy. (Pair with cups of these4 teas that melt fat For best results.)

Courtesy ofMen's Fitness

Categories: Weight Loss
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