Gloves will not protect you from coronavirus if you make these errors

Covering your hands can help you keep your safety, but only if you use your gloves properly.

In the middle of thecoronavirus pandemicMany people use disposable gloves daily to limit their chances of contracting Covid-19. And while wearing protective equipment that can increase your risk of contacting contaminated surfaces, even manufacturing a minor error with your gloves can actually put you from night without making you realize itself. If you want to protect yourself and others, read it to discover the mistakes that you can not afford to continue to do in the use of disposable gloves for coronavirus prevention. And for more ways to stay safe, check these7 FACE MASK CARE ERRORS THAT YOU MAKE.

You use cream by hand before putting your gloves on.

black hands pumping lotion
Shutterstock / Vladimir Gjorgiev

Whileyour hands can be dry Repeated washes, using cream by hand before putting on your gloves could cause more problems than its balances. According toInfection control today, lotions and oil-based creams can causeThe ventilation of latex gloves, allowing potentially in bacteria or viruses.

You put a hand disinfectant outside of your gloves.

hand in blue gloves spraying hand sanitizer
Shutterstock / Kathrine Andi

Hand disinfectant Can be good for decontaminating your skin, but use it outside of your gloves is a mistake.

"The use of solid chemicals can significantly reduce theeffectiveness of certain types of gloves, "explains the dental surgeonMike GOLPA, DDS, CEO of g4bygolpa dental implant centers. A hand disinfectant can create tiny holes in your gloves, which can also mean that bacteria and viruses are able to make their way on your skin. Golpa recommends checking the manufacturer's recommendations before using anything outside of your gloves. And for more health advice, discover these21 myths of coronavirus, you have to stop believing, according to the doctors.

You wear gloves that you have brought purchases when you come home.

hands in blue gloves holding steering wheel
Shutterstock / VK Studio

Use gloves while you are a grocery that can give you a false sense of security when you are outside.

If you reach your keys or open your car door with this same pair of gloves afterwards, you brought germs from the store environment on each surface you just touch, "explains the oncology nurseLindsey McDonald Rn, bsn, msn. "This raises your chances of Covid-19 at home with you." To protect you, McDonald recommends deleting and throwing your gloves when you have finished purchases and before touching something else, including your car door and steering wheel.

You touch your phone with gloves that you have worn when shopping.

hand in blue gloves holding phone
Shutterstock / Yosefus

You can not think twice about using your phone during your purchases, but you should change your gloves.Before touching your device or use it to make a call.

If you do not do it, you expose yourself to all the surfaces you just contacted. "You have essentially touched the germs of the grocery store and transferred them to your phone now touching your face," explainsNabila Ismail, PharMD.

You open a package with gloves and continue to wear them.

white person in latex gloves opening cardboard box
Shutterstock / Tony Skerl

While coronavirus can only survive a few dayson surfaces like cardboardThis does not mean that you can continue to wear the gloves that you have just opened your package.

"While germs are on your gloves, they were transferred to everything you touched," says Ismail. "Unless you use your gloves only forpacket Or manage an article, it's not really in your interest in staying [keeping them] ", she explains.

You wear gloves after touching your face.

white man coughing into gloved hand
Shutterstock / Pearl Photopix

With so many asymptomatic coronavirus carriers out there, you put yourself and other people at risk if you continue to wear your gloves after touching your face. You can transfer the virus yourself to other surfaces.

And the opposite is also true. If you touch your face after wearing your gloves, you put yourself in danger.

"When we touch a contaminated area, then our face, no matter if we carry gloves or non-germs are transmitted anyway," says Golpa. To learn the techniques to use the sink after removing your gloves, checkThe best way to wash your hands to avoid getting sick.

You continue to wear your gloves after cooking oil.

gloved hands marinating a piece of meat
Shutterstock / Mutie

These are not only cosmetic product oils that can make your gloves less efficient. According to a 2005 study conducted at the Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage, Coconut, Palm and Vegetable Oils can allDecompose latx gloves and reduce their effectiveness against the transmission of bacteria and viruses. For more information on vital health, seeThe 7 strangest coronavirus symptoms you need to know.

You wear the same gloves after working on your car.

adding fluids to car while wearing gloves
Shutterstock / Olinchuk

If you wear your gloves after Tint with your car, you could get you off night. According to the glove nation,neither latex nor vinyl gloves are fully resistant to gasoline, diesel fuel or brake fluid, creating holes in gloves that the virus can pass. And if you want to focus more on well-being during self-isolation, start with these23 easy ways to be a healthier person during quarantine.

You reuse your gloves.

woman putting on gloves in supermarket aisle
Shutterstock / EA Mars

While "Reducing, Reusing, Recycling" can be a good currency for other property, it does not keep it true for disposable gloves. It's right in the name - they are not intended to be used more than once.

"The disposable gloves wear very quickly, so if we use them another time, they will not protect our hands from contamination," explains Golpa.

You do not have your gloves properly.

blue plastic glove on street
Shutterstock / Georgios Karkavitsas

One of the biggest mistakes people do with their gloves arises after stopping them. "When you have finished using a pair of gloves, launch them to the trash," says the health coach and medical acupuncturistJamie "The start of the used gloves on a table, a counter or a floor make up that the probability of bacteria on gloves that find [SA] way of you."

In fact, the inappropriate elimination of protection equipment has become such a potential health and health problem - that many cities have implemented rays to stop stepping out, withYorktown, New York, increasing its fine to $ 1,000 andSwampscott, Massachusetts, Loading up to $ 5,500 For a first offense.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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