7 cleaning supplies that do not really kill coronavirus

These products purchased in store and these homemade solutions are not powerful enough to protect you.

Some sellers and holistic living gurus use thePandemic of Covid-19 produce products theyClaim Go kill coronavirus but will not really be effective. While false advertising is always disturbing, misinformation is even more dangerous now because families try to stay safe and healthy. In addition, many homemade solutions that people have confidence for years to keep their own homes are not powerful enough for this work. The same goes for some products brought to stores that are not falsely marketed, but some could be supposed to work in these extraordinary circumstances. There are many popular cleaning supplies that do not kill coronavirus and you may use some of them.

For people to make enlightened purchases, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has created a list ofProducts that meet their use criteria against SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. After analyzing this list, talking with experts and examine the products making bold demands in terms of Luonavirus, we compiled this list of products that will not kill Covid-19. And for more than not to do, check7 disinfection errors you probably make and advise you to repair them.

Solutions with less than 70% alcohol

Alcohol cleaner

The biggest risk when it comes to people who concocked theirclean cleaning solutions At home is that if the measurements are extinct, even slightly, the solution will not be effective. "Alcohol solutions must contain at least 70% alcohol to be effective on hard surfaces against coronavirus, which causes Covid-19. If you want to use alcohol to clean, make sure it is 70% isopropyl alcohol ", a cleaning expert and a national spokesman for theAmerican Cleaning Institute,Brian Sansoni, has already said the best life. So, if you plan to make your own mixture with frictional alcohol (andnotDrinking alcohol!) In your home, be sure to follow the directions closely.

Vinegar cleaning solutions

Vinegar cleaner

"Although many people rely on homemade vinegar products, acetic acid is not aEPA disinfectant recognized against Sars-Cov-2, saysChristian Gonzalez, Nd, andNON-TOXIC EXPERT LIVING. Homemade vinegar solutions are often present asimitating disinfectantsBut there is no science to save these claims. Thus, until the pandemic coronavirus passes, opt for powerful disinfectants who will keep your home without viruses. And for more cleaning tips, check15 expert advice to disinfect your home for coronavirus.

Essential oils

Essential oils

If you swear the essential oils and their presumed services, you must seriously rethink them to protect yourself from the coronavirus. "Although many essential oils have been proven to have antimicrobial properties, they have not been studied against Sars-Cov-2," says Gonzalez. You should also beware of any assertion of viruses from vendors from vendors on Etsy and other peer sites. Stick to the disinfectants approved by the FDA.


Wet Ones

These wipes that you keep in your car or handbag will not kill coronavirus or viruses about it. TheOfficial site of wet Addresses directly this in its FAQ, stating that if the wipes "have been tested for their ability to kill bacteria ... they have not been tested against viruses, including coronavirus". To be safe, stick to the use of these wipes for sticky fingers and car spills rather than disinfect. For more advice, checkIs it prudent to disinfect your phone? Here's what you can not disinfect.

Soda Baking Cleaners

Baking soda homemade cleaner

WhileBaking soda has a lot of wonderful uses, killing coronavirus is not one of them. Gonzalez confirms that sodium bicarbonate is not an effective disinfectant, it emphasizes, however, that sodium carbonate (soda of the ash) or the washing soda can be in the right conditions. On the list of EPA, sodium carbonate appears with other essential compounds, such as quaternary ammonium, so you want to make sure that any solution you use has all the necessary ingredients to make it effective. And to learn more about a risky coronavirus carrier, checkThis article you touch each day puts you most at risk of coronavirus.

Baby wipes

Baby wipes

The wipes you use on the bottom of your babyWill not kill coronavirus, and it's for the better. You will not want that hard chemicals had to destroy the virus affecting your child's sensitive skin. Do not count on baby wipes to do the work of a powerful disinfect - you will need to buy a separate and suitable product for that.

Thieves Housekeeping Cleaner

Thieves Household Cleaner
Young life

By CNBC, there are affirmations online that thisEssential oil-based cleaner Sold through multi-level marketing "will kill germs". However, there is no scientific evidence that the housekeeper can kill all viruses - not to mention the coronavirus.

It seems that many of these positions come from lower-level product vendors rather than society itself. "We take this situation very seriously and work closely with our members concerning appropriate communications specifically when it comes to the line of our thieves",French mat, The head of the young chief life and the compliance officer, said at the exit. "We do not claim and never encourage members to claim a coronavirus" kill "product or can prevent Covid-19." So, if you see these claims done on social media, simply continue to scroll.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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