That's how a person gave coronavirus to 70 people she never met

These are not just parties and meetings of great collections that endanger the others.

There are many activities that will probably come to mind when you think about what could put you at risk of coronavirus: doing shopping in a crowded shopping center, eat a meal in a busy restaurant or attending agathering with friends or family, Just to name a few. However, there is an activity of many people on a daily basis that could endanger them without even realized: mounting an elevator.

According to a CDC case study, published for publication in the September 2020 issue ofEmerging Infectious Diseases, a woman based in the province of Heilongjiang Chinese managed to infect up to 71 othersthrough the use of the elevator in its building.

Through the tracing of contacts, the researchers were able to establish that the woman who caused the reaction of the chain in her community used a communal lift, but not at the same time as some of the widespread neighbors instead, the researchers think That Coronavirus may have been divided by contact with surfaces affected in the elevator. Once infected, his neighborspropagated the virus Friends, family members and other people with whom they had contacts, with up to 71 people infected in total.

woman's hand pressing elevator button
Shutterstock / NUPOK538

While the width of the coronavirus transmission associated with this particular person is surprising, there is another notable factor on this case: the initial coronavirusThe spreader was asymptomatic,Contradict information about asymptomatic propagation issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) in June.

So, how should youlift Limit your risk of catching coronavirus or distributing it to others?

According toJoseph Allen, MPH, Assistant Professor of Exposure Evaluation Science to Harvard T.H. Public Health School Chan, wearing aMask during elevator rides is critical For all passengers. Allen also recommends using a "checkered pattern" of a physical arrangement in the elevator-meaning that there is a person's size space between each passenger - and have a person on the elevator, press On the buttons of all on board, using their fingers instead of their fingers. Similar to the coronavirus mitigation technique adopted by many stores, Allen also suggests that everyone in the elevator is the same direction. And the greatest pleasure of many introvertes, Allen says that talking while bordering the elevator is a non-absolute.

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While Allen admits that riding an elevator in the middle of the coronavirus the pandemic can be a nervous franchise experience, it does not mean contracting the virus is a lost conclusion. "We must remember that our global exhibition and our risk are a function of three things: the intensity, frequency and duration," says Allen, noting that with appropriate precautions, all three can be kept at levels at levels. Low low operation when you make your way or down. And if you want to keep safe during the pandemic, discoverThe only thing you should do to reduce your risk of covidation right now.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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