5 new states that FEMA secretly worries this document

Even the epidemics of COVID-19 affect the scope of the United States.

Now you probably know that public health officials are concerned about CIVID-19 infection rates in states such as Florida, Arizona and Texas. But according to an internal briefing document prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and obtained byThe Washington Post, there is anew list of states where coronavirus statistics have worried public agents-And some of them can surprise you. Learn which they are, read it. And for more useful information on COVID-19 outbreaks across the United States, see howThis state is about to have the worst epidemic in the country.


alaska on globe or map, hard to believe facts

According toThe New York TimesThere have been at least 4,062 total cases and 23 deaths in Alaska as of 4 August. But new data suggest that Covid-19 spread at a higher rate in Alaska than ever, as reported by its highest level of seven days. Way again.


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Hawaii experienced a significant tip in daily cases during the past week. According toData reported by the State Health DepartmentThere were 106 new cases reported on 1 August, compared to the seven cases reported on July 1st. Overall, 2,448 COVID-19 cases have been identified in Hawaii since the beginning of the epidemic. Of these cases, 8% required hospitalization, according to the same dataset. And for more coronavirus crowns, know exactly howCOVID cases are rising in each state.


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As of August 4, the Missouri Ministry of Healthreported Nearly 53,000 total cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, which led to more than 1,1250 deaths. July 31, the statereported More than 1,300 cases, which are more than three times more than 300 cases reported on July 1st.

However, there are encouraging news for the Show-Me State. The state reported more than 1,000 new cases over the last 24 hours, showing a dip in the most recent curve.


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According toThe COVID monitoring project directed byAtlantic,Montana reported 4,233 cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, leading to 64 total deaths. The new daily cases culminated at 151 on 31 July, triple the 46 cases of 31 June. The Montans can take comfort in the fact that only 43 new cases reported on August 3rd.


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TheNew York Times reports That, as of 4 August, there were at least 38,586 cases and 551 deaths in Oklahoma since the beginning of the pandemic. On August 1st there were 1,250 new daily business, representing an amazing increase of 355 daily cases reported on July 1st. On 3 August, the state reported only 355 new cases, but it could be due to late weekend reports.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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