That's why some symptoms people have coronavirus and others not

According to the host, Covid-19 presents differently. Here's why some people are asymptomatic.

As you surely know now, the coronavirus does not look at the same thing in all the world it infects. Some people haveRespiratory symptoms, Others haveGastrointestinal symptoms, somecan not feel or taste, And others do not have any symptoms at all. There is a lot ofMystery brings out by contagion Covid-19But none can be greater than why it iskilling some people and barely affect others. InternistNatasha Fuksina, MD, from Astramdhealth in New Jersey, has an idea of ​​why some people with coronaviruses are asymptomatic.

Fuksina says that the current hypothesis is that 25 percent of the infected CIVID-19 population "asymptomatic remains And never develop symptoms or have positive results on the chest X-rays. "However, some studies have shown that up to 80 percent of those who have COVID-19 are"silent carriers, "Showing none or very light symptoms. Why who is a great question that medical and scientific communities suffer.

While it would be easy to assume that the asymptomatic carriers of Covid-19 are healthier than those who descend with a bad or even mortal-case, it is not as simple as that, Fuksina explains. "If, intuitively we can think that a person who is really asymptomatic ... is a better health, there are many factors that come into play," she says.

First of all, there is theimperfect trial symptom for COVID-19, Which is an important issue. There are 3 times at a rate of 15 percent of false positives and false negatives, which can label someone like a carrier who is actually not or someone counts as negative when they have coronavirus.

In addition, Fuksina says, the amount of materials viral loads, which means how much a person is exposed to Covid-19 contagion. "Some health workers on front lines become very sick when exposed to large amounts of viral particles," says Fuksina. "If a person inhaled a small amount of viral droplets and theirThe immune system was able to launch a successful attack on the virusThey never went to develop symptoms. »

As to why Covid-19 has symptoms in some, but not others, says Fuksina, "I am inclined to extrapolate from known facts that the elderly and patients sicker with lower immune systemsdevelop a more serious illness. People withStrengthening immune systems will also tend to produce a faster and adequate response to kill the virus before it starts replicating and producing manifest symptoms. »

To say it simply, the elderly who are either already sick or have an weakened immune system are likely to have symptoms, while those with stronger symptoms are immune capable of managing the virus much better. In fact, "a person needs to be generally healthy toBe able to mount an appropriate immune response to infection, "Abela mahimbo, PhD, apublic health expert, Written in the conversation.

"We will need to design a study where we test large population samples ... to be able to safeguard this hypothesis scientifically," Fukisina said. "AsThe tests are more and more widespreadWe will be able to learn the immune and metabolic characteristics of those who remain asymptomatic carriers. And for more facts to know about Covid-19, consult21 myths coronavirus you need to stop believing, according to doctors.

Categories: Health
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