The most important thing you can do this will help you quit smoking

Sorry, it involves giving up another vice.

According to research, thethree new year resolutions that Americans make Every year arelosing weight, to exercise more and quit smoking. Of course, this is easier to say than to do, but a new study published inNicotine and tobacco searchSaid you can kill many birds with a stone just by reducing alcohol.

Sarah dermody, an assistant professor at the University of the State of Oregon and the main author of the study, studied the metabolite ratio of nicotine - a biomarker which indicates how fast a person of metabolis nicotine - of22 problematic drinkers And daily smokers and found that the men's metabolite ratio in the study has decreased considerably when they passed from 29 beverages per week to seven.

"What is really interesting is that the metabolite nicotine ratio is helpful clinically," said Dermody in aNEWSLETTER UNIVERSITY. "People with a higher ratio have a higher time that arranged to smoke from Cold Turkey. They are also less likely to smoke successfully using nicotine replacement therapy products ... The metabolite ratio nicotine was considered a stable index, but it may not be as stable as we thought. From the clinical point of view, it's a positive thing, because if someone wants to stop smoking, we may want to Being encouraging them to reduce their alcohol consumption to encourage their smoking cessation plan. "

The same thing has not been found to be true women, but dermody thinks it could be because women in the study were not problematic drinkers to start.

"The alcohol consumption rate for women in the study has been low and remained low," said Dermody. "I anticipate that in a wider generalized study, we would not see the difference between men and women like that."

The study is limited by the fact that it had such a small size of the sample, but the link between alcohol and nicotine is well known. Previous research has found that people who drink alcohol aspire to the nicotine stimulant to compensate for the inducement effects of sleep of alcohol. Alcohol also increases the levels of the feeling of chemicals produced by nicotine, but inhibits the effects of alcohol itself, which means that you must drink more to experience the same rush on the Euphoric as non-smoking, creating a vicious circle to drink. and smoking.

Like everyone knows, drinking consumption also gives you hungry by putting your brain in famine mode and with your silent inhibitions, you are much more likely to reach a plate of spicy buffalo wings than a reasonable salad. . Alcohol also makes it very difficult toGo to the gym, It installs a negative cycle of drinking, eating junk food and sleeping that contrasts directly with all healthy living ambitions.

So, if you are looking to realize all or part of the most common New Year resolutions, the startup location is your drinking: Cut it back. And for a deeper insight of your vices, learnWhat are your consumption habits of your health.

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