Popular foods that ruin your sleep, explains science

If you are running and returning you at night, limiting your consumption of these popular foods could help.

We have all been there: you feel exhausted, but you comecan not fall asleep. Seconds turn into minutes, in hours minutes turn, and before you know it, you wake up the red eyes, feeling terrible and not ready to face the day. When it comes tohow do you sleepIt is not only the amount of activity you get one day or how much you want to rest that makes a difference most of the foods you eat on a regular basis could be seriously harming your sleep too.

If you want to rest better tonight, to read to find out what popular foods may be ruining your sleep. And for a food value to add to your regular routine, seeThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


refined carbohydrates

slices white bread on plate

It is not only your turn that can undergo the effects of very consumptionTransformed carbohydrates On a regular base-sleep basis may also suffer. A study published in 2020The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that among a group of 77860 menopausal women studied as part of the Observational Women's Health Initiative survey, those with higher intake of high glycemic foods, including added sugars and refined grains. , had higher rates of insomnia than those who consumed less of these foods.

For some best products for you carbohydrates to add to your plate, check out the24 best health carbohydrates to lose weight.


Spicy food

hot sauce

If you want to enjoy a restful sleep night, you can avoid watering your dinner in spicy condiments. A study published in theInternational Journal of Psychopathology found that among a group of six healthy men's study topics, Tabasco sauce consumption and dinner mustard increased the amount of time it had to fall asleep, and reduced their quantities at a time and The second stage of deep sleep.

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french fries

You probably know that fried foods are not making favors for your health and research suggests that they can cause serious problems for your sleep too. A 2016 study published in theJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Which followed 26 adults between 30 and 45 years old who usually slept between 7 and 9 hours per night, found that high saturated fat intake is associated with lighter sleep, increased awakening during the night and sleep less restorative in general.

For more incentive to ditch fried foods for good, check theseDangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science.



dark chocolate

These chocolate desserts can have a more harmful effect on your sleep that you think. Although chocolate usually contains less caffeine than you will get in your averageCup of coffeeIt is still an amount important enough to have a disruptive sleep effect on some people. For example, a Scharffen Shepherd 82% Extra Dark Bar Chocolate contains84 milligrams of caffeine In a solid bar, while an 8-ounce cup of coffee has approximately95 milligrams of caffeine-Pas a significant difference.

Unfortunately, this can cause problems when it comes to sleep. A 2013 study published in theJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that a dose of 400 mg caffeine socket 0, 3, or even 6 hours before sleep bedtime participants in substantially disturbed study.



man pouring a glass of wine

You may want to think twice before finishing the day with a night cap. Although alcohol can make you sleepy, it can actually harm your ability to sleep well. A study published inNeuropsychopharmacology Noted that among a group of 20 healthy adult study topics between 21 and 45 years old, those who have consumed alcohol reduces the amount of REM sleep had by two normal sleepers and those who suffer from insomnia.

To better understand how your health can change when you stop drinking, check theseSurprising side effects of not drinking alcohol, according to experts.

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