Expect a Covid-19 vaccine on that date, says the Pentagon researcher

Quality military research is revealing encouraging news about a coronavirus vaccine.

People from all over the world wait with beaten breathing for aVaccine for coronavirus. As experts say it repeatedly, it will be almost impossible to come back to life because we know it before Covid-19 without generalized vaccine. So, he can not be fast enough here. And finally, there is good news on thecoronavirus vaccine front. During a Pentagon News Briefing Tuesday, Col.Wendy Sammons-Jackson, Director of the United States Military Infectious Disease Research Program, said it was "reasonable to expect that there would beA form of vaccine which could be available at a certain level, to a certain population,by the end of the year. "

Researchers learn about the new virus "faster than any other virus earlier," said an army researcherKayvon Modjarrad, MD. He added "go to a vaccine in a few months, the concept of phase three clinical trials and potentially allowed, is unprecedented. But in this case, I think much is possible."

Military researchers revealed that they were collaborating with US and international companies, including AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson,Modernand sanofi sa on theVaccine development and antibody drugs. They also noted that the army had planned to test its own candidate for the human vaccine at the end of the summer.

Reuters has been reported at the end of May that scientists run national efforts plan "a massive test effort involving more than 100,000 volunteers and half a dozen ofMost promising vaccine candidates Provide safe and effective security at the end of 2020. "

As many parts of the nation are beginning to reopen, Americans continue to live in our "new normal guidelines", wearing masks and constantly launding our hands. But there are also many areas whereCases of coronavirus are on the rise (partly because of the larger and partially due tests due to reopening). The introduction of an effective vaccine will be a huge step in our return to the pre-pandemic normality. And for more information, you must know about the coronavirus vaccine, check5 dangerous myths on the coronavirus vaccine you have to stop believing.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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