The study says, like alcohol, sugar can trigger depression during holidays

A new study from Kansas University says you should easily take the candies to avoid seasonal depression.

December is high time forsupporter-And all the delicious treats that accompany them. But, according to a new study published in the magazineMedical assumptions, this increase in sugar does not just affect your turn of size potentially - it can also lead to theHoliday blues. Researchers at Kansas University analyzed a wide variety of data on the physiological and psychological effects of consumptionadded sugar, which is present in many well-loved vacation desserts. And they determined that eating too much sugar around the holidays can have a similar effect like drinkingtoo much alcohol.

"Alcohol is basically pure calories, pure, non nutritive and super toxic energy at high doses", co-study authorStephen Iardi, PhD, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Kansas, said in adeclaration. "Sugars are very similar. We learn when it comes todepression, people who optimize their diet should provide all nutrients whose brain needs and prevail them mainlypotential toxins. "

This is especially true for those who are subject toseasonal depression, which affects about half a million Americans. As with drinkingseveral glasses of wineEating a box of cookies could offer a temporary feeling of comfort and joy, but can make you feel overall so regularly been consummated regularly in large quantities.

"When we consume sweets,They act as a medicine, "Says Ildeaze." They have an immediate mood elevation effect, but with high doses, they can also have a paradoxical and pernicious long-term consequence of making mood worse, reducing well-being, alteration of inflammation AND CAUSEweight gain. "

Ilaldi also said that a "big subset ofPeople with depression Have high levels of systemic inflammation "and, since eating an excessive amount of sugar has been linked to low-content inflammation, these" inflammatory hormones can directly push the brain into a state of severe depression ".

As for alcohol, what counts like "too" often depends on the person, and there is no unique approach to predict exactly how the body of anyone will react to a given food at a given dose. . "However, as a general rule, Ilardi suggests adhere to the guidelines defined by theAmerican Heart Association, which recommends limiting your daily sugar intake to 100 calories for women and 150 calories for men. Unfortunately, it's less than a slice of cake, so if you choose to deliver, do it wisely!

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