Do this thing at home considerably reduces your coronavirus risk

Since being inside presents a much bigger coronavirus risk than outdoors, you must follow this trick.

There are many medical and public health experts still need to learn the virus that causes Covid-19. But among all the emergence data, one thing is clear: the virus is much more likely to betransmitted inside that it is outside, because of a lack of air flow. And while you can not control the air in a grocery store, you can do your part inKeep yourself and your family members are safer at home By doing one thing:Installation of adequate ventilation.

Benjamin J. Cowling, responsible for the division of epidemiology and biostatist of medicine from the University of Hong Kong and the doctoral candidateDillon C. Adamrecentlywatched a number of superparatness events From around the world, call centers in South Korea to the US epidemics. They determined that epidemics come mainly fromCluttered and poorly ventilated areas, as their evaluation inThe New York TimesGives clearly. It turns out that the aerosolized droplets containing Covid-19 can hang in the air, which exhibit the most risk.

Epidemiologists note that "transmission is more likely during gatherings inside than outdoors", adding that "just ventilate a room can help." They continue to note that they "believe that with the group of South Korean call centers, the essential factor of the transmission was theExtended time spent in an overcrowded office area. "

Similarly, a recent study of scientists at the World Center at the University of Surrey for clean aerial research (GCARE) revealed that the ventilation systems reinforced by particle filtration and air disinfection systems, and those. whoAvoid recirculating the air, are the most effective for keeping people safe. "Improved inner ventilation is an important step that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection",Prashant KumarDirector of GCare said in a declaration. "Ventilation plays a vital role By eliminating the expired virus air, thus lowering the overall concentration and therefore any subsequent dose inhaled by the occupants. "

To be clear, the vast majority of houses are not infected by the coronavirus and the people who live together-who respected the social distancing guidelines - probably little to fear. But it does not hurt to invest in a portable air filter andOpen a window or two To ensure and that your loved ones remain safe. And to stay safe, checkThe most risky places you are going at the present time, classified by doctors.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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