Most CIVID-19 patients did this thing before getting sick, studied

They are not just socially spreading coronaviruses - there is even more common pre-diagnostic activity.

Any number of activities could put youat risk of catching coronavirus, whether it's a birthday party with friends or heading for the grocery store. However, there is a common and frequently inevitable activity that led to a number shocking new cases of coronavirus: going to work.

In a study published by the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) in theirWeekly Morbidity and Mortality Report (Mmwr) This week, among the topics that have been positive for COVID-19 and were used,81 percent saidThey worked outside their house In the past two weeks. In fact, 59% went to work every day. Little 17% - had the capacity to telecompinate.

Research has shown that 34% of people with coronaviruses who knew their source of exhibition believed they hadCaught the virus of a work colleague.

young black businessman wearing mask in meeting amid coronavirus pandemic
Shutterstock / Yurakrasil

In another CDC study published inMmwr This week, 47% of the study participants declared theirThe exposure to a person of Covid-19-positive has occurred in the workplace. Among the participants who reported an exhibition at the workplace, most of them were health personnel (60%), public administration workers or armed forces (13%) and those who work in contexts of Manufacturing (11%).

"Because the workplaces are common locations ofPotential exposure to people with COVID-19, it is important that the corporation and managers refer toCDC guidelines for workplaces during the CVIV-19 pandemic To minimize the risk of exposure to their employees and their clients, "the CDC warns in their second report.

They added in the first study that these security measures should include "ensure the social distancing and more widespread use of fabric coatings".

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In a recentWashington PostSurvey -ipsos, 58% of respondents admitted to be concerned aboutCatch coronavirus at work and transmit it to their family members. And it seems that these fears are more than justified. According to the research of the CDC, a single source of transport coronavirus was more common than the colleagues of a person:their family members. And if you want to protect yourself and others,This is the worst thing you can do on July 4 weekend, official warned.

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