The last 10 hot spot stitches you need to know about

It's not just New York and New Jersey. These are places in the United States where COVID-19 cases are rising.

Overall, coronavirus statistics suggest an encouraging downward trend, which has a large part of the country impatiently reopening non-essential businesses and a return to a "normal". The new discouraging, however, is thatCovid-19 cases seem to go down In the epicenter of US U.S., New York,Small towns begin to see mounted numbers. Unfortunately, the new coronavirus hotspots are standing throughout rural America.

Many rural counties that see tips are home to prisons and processing foods and meat plants, which see a growing number of epidemics. Here's a list of new Coronavirus hotspots in the United States that you need to be aware of, according toThe New York Times COVID-19 case number data for 100,000 people. (Note: While there are counties adjacent to or near New York, which are always considered hot spots, we exclude them from this list since they have long been dangerous areas.) And for the States where Covid-19 is on the decline, check out13 states where coronavirus cases come down.

Troudale County, Tennessee


This County of Rural Tennessee has the most common cases per capita: more than 14,100 per 100,000 inhabitants. In question is a massive tip inCOVID-19 Case at Turner Turner Correctional Center-1,246, to be accurate, which has generated the national interest in the health risks of prisons in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Lincoln County, Arkansas


Cummins Unit, a maximum security prison in Lincoln County, recentlyreported more than 600 cases coronavirus. This helped make Arkansas County the second most viral hot spot, according toThe New York Timesdata, with more than 6,200 cases per 100,000 population.

Dakota County, Nebraska


Dakota County, Nebraska, Bute Sioux City, South Dakota, who received national attention for the closure of thePork Pork Pork Plant Smithfield Foods because of the coronavirus. Dakota County has onlyMore than 20,000 citizens, but a number of 1,000 cases of COVID-19. And if your state is reopening, check these14 places where you should always avoid when the lock ends.

Noble County, Minnesota

More than 1,000 inhabitants of Noble County, Minnesota, have or have had the coronavirus, despite itspopulation of less than 22,000 people. It's probably because of the Worthington County Pork Transformation Factory, whichhad to close Due to a CVIV-19 epidemic.

Bledsoe County, Tennessee


Almost600 prisoners of state have been tested positive for COVID-19 In Tennessee Bledsoe County, making it a new best hotspot for coronavirus. It is also the second county of Tennessee to make this list. And for more ways, the world will change after Covid-19, here is9 things you will never see in public after the coronavirus.

Cass County, Indiana


Cass County represents nearly 1,500 cases of Indiana's 20,500 coronavirus. In question is aPlant Tyson in the city of Logansport County It had to stop because of an epidemic of COVID-19.

County Marion, Ohio


More than 80% of prisoners at the Marion Correctional Institution havePositive tested for coronavirus, who posted the largest community and did this Ohio County a new Hotspot of Covid-19. And for more locations to avoid in the middle of the pandemic, checkThe 7 most dangerous spots you can catch coronavirus.

County Pickaway, Ohio


A CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OF PICKAWAY has suffered The same disease as the Correctional Marion Institution, making it the second worst Hotspot in Ohio and the Second Ohio County to make this list.

County Seward, Kansas


The County of Seward is the house of the National Beef Packaging Factory in Liberal, Kansas, who saw aSurge of more than 250 cases Over the past two weeks. This represents about one-third of the County 626 Covid-19 cases. And for more COVID-19 information, you need to know, here's25 coronavir facts that you should know now.

Dawson County, Nebraska


Dawson County in Nebraska houses the Plant Tyson Meatpacking in Lexington, who lived aIncreasing number of CVIV-19 cases. They see 2,592 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, bringing together the list of the 10 best coronavirus hotspots (excluding people adjacent to the New York metropolitan area).

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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