Do you have to visit your parents in the middle of Coronavirus? A doctor weighs in

Anyone considering oneself with their members of the elderly family should consider the advice of this doctor.

In the middle of a global pandemic, it is totally understandable to want to return to the comfort of the house. Many young people - especially those living in crowded urban environments - have considered taking refuge in the houses of their parents. But the parents of 20 to 30 years and something are probably in their or nearby, put them in the age holder whoever susceptible toCoronavirus. If you are wondering, "Should I visit my parents right now?" you're not alone. But we consulted a doctor to determine whether or not it is a secure decision.

"We all want to be with our loved ones, especially in case of stress stress and crisis," saysEUDENE HARRY, MD, medical director at theOasis Wellness and Rejuvenation Center In Orlando, Florida. "However, this recent pandemic has blurred us to reduce thevirusAnd that means thinking about things so that we have never before.

It might seem scandalous to think that you should not give your mother a hug or foot in his house, but according to Harry, you have to ask you these very important questions: "Is there a possibility that you could have been exposed to the virus? Do you have symptoms that might fall into the"Light" symptoms Category? Does anyone in your elderly family and / or chronic conditions, such as heart disease or pulmonary, which could increase their risk of more severe disease? "

WHEREAS some people, including the actorIdris Elba-have tested positive For COVID-19, despite not showing symptoms, being apparently good health does not necessarily mean that you do not have coronaviruses or will not get it. And if you do not indicate any symptoms, it is not recommended to test you, which means that anyone can have coronaviruses without knowing it. As such, Harry's opinion is: "If you have a member of the elderly family with chronic conditions, wait for this."

This is especially true if the visit of your parents would need to have an airplane. "The World Health Organization wants to limit the exhibition to less than 10 people at once in the context ofsocial distancing, designed to reduce the exposure and propagation of the virus, "Harry said." As airports are high traffic areas, we are encouraged to limit our trip unless necessary. "

If youto do Decide to visit your parents, you must follow the CDC guidelines, such asWash hands for at least 20 seconds and limit the contact of person to person by remaining at least six feet away.

Of course, Harry recognizes that "it's a really difficult decision to do: experience the comfort, warmth and love of your family in person or to make the choice to stay away because you Do not want to do them sick. " But we all make sacrifices for the greatest good and, for now, facettimming, text messaging or a phone call may have to do.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / family / News
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