The CDC now says that you should not wear this type of mask

This popular mask design is unnecessary to stop coronavirus.

The disease and prevention control centers (CDC) were unequivocal in its masque endorsement in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, the director of the organization,Robert Redfield, recently said he believed theThe epidemic could be under control In four to six weeks if "we could get everyone to wear a mask at the moment." But this week, the health authority announced that there was a type of mask that does not protect others from the propagation of Covid-and unfortunately, it is a popular design.According to the CDC, the unique mask you should remove from your Covid arsenal.which has a valve or a vent.

As the organization said in itsUpdated mask guidelines, "CDC does not recommend the use of masks or fabric masks for source control if they have an expiration valve or vent." The organization furtherexplained his warning, highlighting why this type of mask makes other people at risk. "The goal of masks is to keepRespiratory droplets to reach the others to help with the control of the source. However, masks with unidirf valves or vents make it possible to exhale air through a hole in the material, which can result in expelled respiratory droplets up to others, "warned the CDC.

Kai Singbartl, MD, President of the Prevention and Control of Infections at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona recently spoken withUnited States today aboutDangers of this type of mask. "He defeated the goal," said Singbartl. He explained that while the valves make it "easier to expire andget rid of heat and moisture, "They also contaminate the surrounding air with non-filtered aerosols.

In particular, people were ejected from companies,hospitals,and flights To bring this dangerous mask design, which leaves others at risk of an exposure to Covid. However, according to the CDC, there isa Exception to the rule: "N95 respirator With an expiration valve provides the same level of protection to the wearer as the one that does not have a valve, "the organization's website Note. This is thealone Mask with a valve considered sufficiently safe to maintain a sterile field and prevent viral transmission.

So, the next time you head in public, go for a mask with a complete blanket of the nose and mouthwithout a valve or a vent. Otherwise, you give yourself and others a false sense of security, while putting those around you in danger. And for more information on which masks are safest,Watch Bill Nye Test Which masks work the best.

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