It is the "only way" to avoid another lock, the governor of Texas warns

If Texans do not do it, "it will lead to the need for closing the Texas to move back," said the governor.

This week, the state ofTexas fixes a day recordings For new cases of Covid-19 and Death following the virus. The situation, the governmentGreg Abbottsaid, is officially "say". "Covid spreads more quickly, more aggressively than ever in the state of Texas," said Abbott on CBS19Midi showFriday, July 10th. "If we can not get everyone to participate in this effort forwearing face masksSlowing spreading, it could lead to the disastrous situation where the Texas economy may have to goBack in the lock, "he warned.

The Governor of Texas instituted aFace Mask Order 2nd of July,Obligate all residents to wear face coatings In public spaces within any county with 20 cases or more positive from COVID-19. The Order came into effect on July 3rd at 12:01. But in the week as COVID cases continued to increase. Nearly 16%The tests come back positive As of July 9, 12.5% ​​on July 5th, according to COVID ACT data.

AtThe lunch show,Abbott said: "There is one thing we can do - and really, only one thing we can do until the drugs are available to treat Covid-and that's for everyone to understand theimportance of wearing masks. "

"When you talk to someone, you do not know andthey or they I do not know who in Covid, who does not have Covid, "Abbott added." The only way to prevent it from getting it or transmitting it, it's certain that you wear a face mask. "

Abbott was referring to the fact that the scientific evidence indicated that until45% of all COVID cases are asymptomaticWhich means you have the virus but do not show signs. In addition, studies have shown thatMasks can block more than 95% of virus particles to be transmitted in the air and can alsoProtect the carrier of 65% of the particles.

Abbott has begun to pray Texas residents to cover their faces when they are in public and implore local officials to enforce the mandate. "I know it's a disadvantage. This is not the thing I'm getting up every morning and I'm enthusiastic about" Oh, I can put a mask today, "he has declared. "But I know that if we wear masks, we will be able to keep our businesses open, we will not have toLock our economy again-PEOPLE will be able to continue to win the salary they need to pay their bills and put food on their table. "

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Since Coronavirus began arising in Texas in June, Abbott took a few steps to encourage Texans to follow guidelines. In addition to the mask mandate, June 26,he closed the bars and 50% reduced restoration capacity.

But onMidi show, Abbott concluded that ifpeople do not wear masks, that's all for nothing. "If we will not join together and unite in this cause for a short period of adoption of masks ... This will lead to the need to close the Texas to move back," he said. "It should be the last thing that any government wants, the last thing the owner of the company wants."

"The only way to convince these companies will remain open consists of ensuring that people wear masks to slow down the propagation of coronavirus. It does not go away. The game of alleging must end. Covid spreads Quickly, "concluded Abbott. "This is serious." On July 11, nearly 250,000 cases ofCoronavirus in Texas and more than 3,100 people died,TheNew York Times shows the database. And for more states in danger of locking again, checkThese 14 states examine another lock, say Harvard's researchers.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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