You can no longer buy in these popular stores without a facial mask

More retail gloves make compulsory masks for anyone margining feet in their stores.

Since April, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have exhorted everyone across the country towear face coatings in public To help put the propagation of COVID-19. But in recent weeks, with the coronavirus spiking on the United States, a number of national retail giants have begun to become more serious. Stores like CVS and Walmart are nowrequiring All buyers to wear face coatings, if the status of the store is located in masks or not mandates. To find out where you can not shop without mask now, read it. And for more masks, check7 celebrities who have exhorted their fans to wear masks.


target during coronavirus people walking with masks
Woodysphotos / Shutterstock

The target begins the mandatory mask bearing August 1st, the retailer confirmedUnited States today,Although the mandate would exclude "those with underlying medical conditions and young children". The target will also provide disposable masks in store entrances to anyone that does not have a face coating. And for more information on states where masks are needed, checkThese 4 states have just made mandatory facial masks.


CVS Pharmacy Logo

From Monday, youCan not get into a CVS in the United States without mask. "With the recent tip of COVID-19 infections, we join others in the next step and forcing all customers to wear face coatings when they enter one of our stores throughout the country on Monday. July 20, "said the company in a statement.


Walgreens pharmacy

Another giant pharmacy companion has recently announced that everyone would also begin to demand masks on July 20th. "Walgreens is expanding requirements For customers to wear face blankets while in the stores of all walgreens localities across the chain across the chain, "they stated in a statement. And for more than why a face shield will not, checkYou should not wear one of them instead of a facial mask, CDC warns.


kohl's store entrance

Due to the requirements of the state, KOHL indicates 70% of theirStores have face blanket mandates. But this week, they bring that number up to 100. "We decided to take a consistent approach throughout our store fleet," Kohl said in a statement. "Beginning of Monday, July 20, we will need all customers to wear facial blanket during your shopping in our stores."


walmart exterior with shoppers exiting into parking lot
Shutterstock / Michael D Menrow

Wednesday, the largest retail chain in the world announced that it would berequiring all buyers to wear masks In Walmart Club Stores and Sam Nationwide. This followed the same policy that had been put in place for weeks by costco and whole foods, which were among the first national channels to demand that all buyers cover their mouths and noses. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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