That's all your stomach tries to talk about your health

Your stomach holds clues to innumerable health problems - minors to the major and everything that happens between the two.

We have all been there: your day goes well until, suddenly, a terrible stomach pain you stop in your tracks. Could it be that dubious queso that you had for lunch, or something even more serious to blame? The truth is, your stomach contains the indices ofinnumerable health problems, Minor to potentially fatal. And according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases, between about60 million and 70 million people in the United States Face a kind of digestive disease. That's exactly why it's so important to listen to your instinct, both clean and figured, when you feel something is wrong in your median section. Continue reading to know exactly what your stomach is trying to talk about your health. And for another part of your body that can try to send you signals, see13 warning signs Your pancreas tries to tell you something bad about.

You get a migraine.

Below view of woman with face mask having a headache at home.

Although sometimes, nausea and unexplained vomiting are the means of your stomach to tell you that it is in distress (think food poisoning, gastritis or ulcer), other times your stomach sends a flagship to something of something. other. According toKristine Arthur, MD, Internist at Memorialcare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, Nausea and Vomiting are ways toYou alerting migraines coming in the opposite direction, Triggering "Changes in the central nervous system and also the slowdown in digestion. »

If nausea is sudden, and you do not know other symptoms of food poisoning, do not be surprised if a debilitating headache is just around the corner. And for more advice than you may have a medical problem, see40 subtle signs Your body tells you something is very bad.

You have an appendicitis.

asian woman experiencing stomach pain

A pain that starts near your navel, but sharpened over time and moves down, could point to a dangerous situation: acute appendicitis. As Arthur explains: "If you have a strong pain in the abdomen at the bottom right that comes rather suddenly over several hours or a day and it is persistent, it can be the appendicitis. »

And it's a symptom, you should certainly not get home. "Youshould be seen by a doctor That day, because it often requires surgery and, if untreated, appendicitis can be mortal, "says Arthur. You can also encounter a loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, bloating, or lower quality fever.

You have hypoglycemia.

Mid adult woman making cold-pressed juice in the kitchen. Focus on cold-pressed juicer

If you find you getravenously hungryAnd it's hard to satiate your hunger, your stomach can try to tell you that you have hypoglycemia.

"For most people, when blood sugar falls below 70, they have symptoms of hypoglycemia, which can include nausea, sweats, dizziness, and even confusion or loss of knowledge," said Arthur. "The simplest and faster blood in the blood increase is to drink something with sugar, such as juice. " The good news? These symptoms should disappear once your sugar level is back to normal usually in minutes. And if, in addition to always getting hungry, you are often asleep, check out23 reasons why you are tired all the time.

You have bile calculations.

man holding stomach

If in the upper right of the abdomen you are experiencing a "stomach evils", the real culprit is unlikely that your stomach at all because it is in the upper part.left the other instead. It is much more likely that you have made bile-small calculations, crystalline masses in your gallbladder that can cause abdominal blockages and pain. But if it's your gallbladder that is telling you what's wrong, it is your stomach that offers concordant evidence: nausea, vomiting and dark stool are typical of this affection of the common gall bladder.

"Bile calculations are the product of cholesterol and bile," saysRudolph Bedford, MD, Gastroenterologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "TIS can lead to infection, irritation and inflammation." He explains that gallbladder surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the country so that patients should be on the lookout for this combination of symptoms.

You have IBS.

Woman hunched over experiencing stomach pain and digestive issues

If you find last cramps,abdominal pain, Bloating, gas, and altered intestinal habits that last more than three months, the chances are of your stomach tries to tell you that you have irritable colon syndrome, commonly called IBS.

"The three ways the present can 'altered intestinal habits are constipation, diarrhea, or double blow, constipation and diarrhea," explainsSherry Ross, MD, a health expert OB / Gyn and women at the Saint John Providence Health Center. And for other signs of future difficulty from your media, check25 warning signs that your kidneys send you.

Or you have inflammatory intestinal disease.

older man with stomach pain, stomach symptoms
Shutterstock / Sebra

If you are not stranger at frequent and recurring diarrhea, abdominal pain, low appetite and unexplained weight loss, your stomach can try to tell you that you have chronic inflammatory disease (IBD), such as disease. Crohn or ulcerative colitis. According toCrohn and Colitis FoundationIBD currently affects about 1.6 million people in the United States. Although the exact cause of IBD is still unknown, it is probably influenced by genetic and environmental factors, as well as the strength of a patientimmune system.

You have GERD.

antacid tablets, old school cleaning tips
Shutterstock / Gabor Havasi

Fighting stomach discomfort and stomach burns? Your stomach may be trying to tell you that you have gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as Gerd.

"This common digestive disorder occurs when the acid of the stomach entered the esophagus, because the lower part thereof - the esophagus sphincter-relaxes at the wrong time," explains Bedford.These symptoms are frequently accompanied by difficulty to swallow, regurgitate food or gastric acid, the feeling of a mass in the throat and nausea.

You have an infection in your GI tract.

Person taking medicine pills

If you have known liquid stools, abdominal pain or cramps, nausea or vomiting, your stomach may be trying to tell you that you have a gastrointestinal infection.

"Gastrointestinal infections are either viral, bacterial, or because of a parasite," says Bedford. "Inflammation occurs in the stomach and intestines and may result in symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain." So, what should you do to mitigate some of the worst effects of this infection? "Stay hydrated is an optimal treatment of gastrointestinal infections because you risk losing a lot of liquid", Bedford Notes. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You have hepatitis C.

Man at doctor getting physical

If you encounter a combination of abdominal swelling, a lack of appetite, nausea and stomach pain, you can have a hepatitis C. According to Bedford, this viral disease can fly under the radar for a significant period of time. In fact, "unless someone is rolling regularly by a doctor, it can pass undiagnosed for years," he says.

This is particularly troubling, considering that HEP C can lead toIrreversible liver damageand even liver cancer. "Acute hepatitis C will clarify his own, but a chronic hepatitis C will never disappear," adds Bedford.

You have a peptic ulcer disease.

woman suffering from acid reflux

If you are suddenly struck with sharp abdominal pain and twinned with a feeling of fullness, your stomach can try to warn you of your peptic ulcer disease.

"Peptic ulcer disease is most often caused by [bacteria]H. pylori, and cause stomach pain. This bacterium disturbs the protective layer with regard to the stomach, which led to ulcers, "says Bedford. You should also be looking for intolerance to fatty foods, stomach burns and nausea, which can all help confirm the diagnosis.

You have gastroparoparesis.

man feeling full not hungry

If you have the feeling of fullness after eating a few bites, or if you are in the unpleasant situation of under-digested food vomiting that you have recently eaten, your stomach may be trying to tell you that you have gastroparesis.

This is a relatively rare condition in which your stomach has difficulty emptying its content despite the absence of abstract, slowing down the normal digestion process. According to a 2013 study in theAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology, Other symptoms include "nausea, vomiting, bloating and high abdominal" pain, although the two peptic ulcers and functional dyspepsis cause similar symptoms. This is not a symptom that you should let the slide slip, however - if you do not leave untreated, gastroparesis can cause malnutrition, severe dehydration and unpredictable blood glucose changes.

You have a pancreatitis.

man on couch with stomach pain, stomach symptoms
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

If you encounter abdominal pain, a pain that moves to theback or worsen after a meal, nausea, vomiting,Involuntary weight lossAnd tenderness of the abdomen, you can have a pancreatitis, according to Bedford.

The pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas in which digestive enzymes are activated before their release in the small intestine, causing damage to the organ. The most serious cases can be threatening the life of life, you will certainly want to be carefulThe warning signals of your body on this one.

You have diverticulitis.

Woman curled up on cough with abdominal pain

If you feel acute abdominal pain, nausea, fever and a change of intestinal habits, your stomach may be trying to tell you that you have diverticulitis. "Similar to hernia, diverticulitis occurs in intestines and colon and produces bulges or bags along the lining," says Bedford.

Although some cases of this disease can be lightweight, it can also result in fatal complications. "If these pockets burst, they can lead to fecal bacteria entering the stomach," says Bedford. According to MAYO Clinic Approximately 25% of cases develop complications, you will want to see a doctor immediately if you feel these symptoms.

Categories: Health
By: amy
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