The worst thing n ° 1 that you can do during your purchases right now

The experts warn the buyers against this in the middle of the pandemic of Covid.

Nationwide reopens allowed the country to go somewhat to normal. However, things arenot exactly the way they were pre-pandemic. And theCoronavirus is still widespread, making life difficult without additional precautions. But sometimes it can be easy to forget all the precautions of Covid that you must take, and you may not even realize some of the things you make could put you more risk than necessary. According to the experts,The worst thing you can do during your purchases in the middle of the Pandemic of Covid.

"The longer you stay in a store, the higher the risk you will be exposed to an infectious person," saidLeann Poston, MD,medical adviser for the health of the guest. She says you should avoid navigating and advising people to always "make a list" before entering a store.

And Poston is not the only expert who warned against the period of spending a long period inside with other people. In fact, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) said that being inside is much more risky than being outdoorsWhen it comes to spreading coronavirus, with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) noting thatInfected air particles can spread further Less than six feet when inside the interior due to the poorer air ventilation. According to the CDC, the duration of the questions inside the questions because "spend more time with people who can be infected increases your risk of becoming infected."

Woman shopping protecting herself wearing protective mask

The problem, however, is that people really appreciate the in-store navigation experience when it comes to shopping. A 2017 Retail Diving Consumers Survey found that the "ability to see, touch and feel products and take home objects immediately" was a huge factor inWhy people prefer to browse in store for articles rather than shopping online. And even those who can end up buying their articles online still appreciate going to a store to look in advance, with84% of Americans saying that they like to navigate in person Regardless if they buy in store immediately or later online, according to a 2017 study in June 2017.

Fortunately, despite our collective love for navigation in store, it seems that many people take precautions seriously during the pandemic.Ed Lechner, owner of Selby shoes, etc. In southern Portland, Maine, told the new shoe thatthe people who come in his store to shop nowadays Are typically people who already know what they want to buy because "people are temporary and do not want to spend a lot of time in stores" right now.

Braden ParkerCo-founder of Casca in Vancouver, Canada, echoed the feeling of lechner. "We saw more people entering our store that are very serious [buyers]," Parker said on shoes. "We used to have more people enter, browse and check things. Now, people who generally arrive have done their research online. They know what they want."

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Unfortunately, Poston has reason to exercise caution, as it does not appeareveryoneis limiting their navigation.Anna Mastroianni, owner of sole shoes in Westfield, New Jersey, explained to the new shoe that "go to a store is one of the only things that [people] can do these days," she says, she often has Customers who only walk to the city center and "pop in" for a look around the store.

If you are going to shop right now,VIKRAM TAUGU, MD, amedical specialist Based in Florida, says you need to remember other hygienic practices during your purchases to protect yourself and avoid leaving the coronavirus spread or the rest of your household.

According to the CDC, there isSeveral practices that you can implement during your purchasesand execute other races. They recommend using a disinfectant of the hands before entering the shop and you avoid "touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwanted hands", especially if you also touch objects in the store. And once you come home? Always wash your hands. And for more detail changes to adjust to,You can no longer buy in these popular stores without a facial mask.

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