≡ How can ordinary water contribute to a slim line? Observe a few principles and with your character they will happen miracles》 game beauty

Is it possible to really lose weight with the help of "ordinary" water?

H2 O, chemical compound without which we cannot exist. While without food one lasts up to 40 days, without water only about 2 to 3 days, depending on the temperature of the environment. Even a single day without water will be significantly manifested on our body. We feel fatigue, headache and overall weakness. However, water and adherence to the right drinking regime are also important for weight loss. Is it possible to really lose weight with the help of "ordinary" water?

Drinking regime in weight loss

It should be noted that adherence to the drinking regime is the basic pillar of a healthy lifestyle, not only when trying to lose weight. Sufficient hydration positively affects our skin, brightens our face and supports youthful appearance. On the other hand, if the body has a lack of water, we guarantee that it will clearly show, whether dry skin or other, at first glance less noticeable ways. Therefore, always keep a glass or bottle of water together. Your body will surely reward you for that.

We must also distinguish the drinking regime at a time when we try to lose weight, compared to the normal daily regime. When losing weight, it is advisable to increase the amount of fluids in the body. However, it is necessary to pay great attention to what fluid you choose. Sweet lemonade or energy drinks are definitely not in place. The body together with liquids get a lot of sugars and unnecessary calories, which we try to reduce during weight loss. Therefore, choose rather clean water or water flavored with lemon. Such a drink has no calories and at the same time will start your metabolism, as drinking water leads to an increase in energy expenditure for its processing through the body.

Hunger as a dressed thirst

Studies have shown that if a person drinks one or two glasses of water half an hour before a meal, this will increase the feeling of full stomach and we do not conquer so much food. You know it too - if you have a completely empty stomach, you literally swallow food, and you usually eat much more than you would like. Try to prevent this misfortune with a glass of water before eating, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Did you know that the water temperature also affects weight loss? Drinking cold water will cause the body to try to warm it up to its own temperature, thus again increasing the energy expenditure to process it. It is also interesting that drinking a pint of water will accelerate our metabolism by ten to thirty percent. It's worth it, what do you think?

Close-up Shot of A Woman Squeezing Juice and Making Lemonade in the Kitchen.

Fabric exchange and subsequent detoxification

Have you ever heard of the lymphatic system? This is very important in weight loss. The lymph passes through our whole body and with its help leaves the body toxins. However, detoxification, a complex process of removing harmful substances from the body is slowed without sufficient water. In order to effectively detoxify our body, the lymph should be moved with sufficient fluids, with clear water is the best choice for this purpose.

The weight loss process will generally burden our excretory organs, whether the kidneys or the lymphatic system. Why is the water so important? Imagine water as a river taking away any dirt from our body. If the river had dried up or there was not enough water in it, it could not take away the alluviums from our body and our body weight would not start to decrease, on the contrary.

So how much water to drink when weight loss?

If you are one of the individuals who have not remembered at lunch that they have not discharged anything from the morning except coffee, your habits will need to change. Try to drink a glass of water right after waking up and prepare a bottle of water and work with you. If you find that you are not half empty before lunch, think about how to drink continuously. If you suddenly drink a large amount of fluids, you will overwhelm the excretory system.

If you cannot watch the amount of water yourself, you now have smart gadgets that will help you with it. For example, the "drinking regime" will always alert you that it is time to drink, so you are less worried. So what is the optimal amount of fluids per day? The recommended daily consumption is individual and depends on body weight. Count about one glass of water for every 8 kilograms. You can also complement your drinking regime with suitable unsweetened tea.

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