17 tours of genius for reading the body language of people

The action has more weight than the words.

Readingbody language is far from easy - you need patience, practical and a lot of observation. But considering the eyes and hands of a person tends to say more about how they really feel that the words that come out of their mouths, it deserves to be studied on common gestures that indicate something more deep.

To help you become more versed in the language of the body, we have gathered some of the revealing signs of anxiety, hate,deceptionAnd everything between the two, according to the experts. So, read to find out what is your firm hand of your boss or suspended head of your spouse.

If they hide their hands, they lie on something.

Man with his hands in his pockets reading body language

People who hide their hands from you tend to behide something else, too much. Take children, for example: when they want to hide something bad, they did it, "they will often hide their palms behind their backs," experts in corporal languagesBarbara and Allan Peaseto explainThe definitive book of body language.

Similarly, men who have something to hide will keep your hands in their pockets. "The palms were originally like the vocal cords of body language because they did more to" speak "than any other part of the body", note the authors. "Put them away was like keeping his mouth closed."

And if their palms are in place, they tell the truth.

Man is Swearing Under Oath {Body Language}

Whenthe police Tell yourself to turn around and put your hands, you do it with your open palms to emphasize the fact that you are without weapons and harmless. In a court, you use your open palm to swear under oath that you will say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The open palm gesture is used in various facets of society to transmit that a person tells the truth - and therefore naturally, it has become generally associated with "truth, honesty, allegiance and submission," written Poulties.

But if their palms are confronted, they are closed.

Stressed business woman standing and thinking in front of the office window.
Bona / iStock

This gesture is a fairly solid indication that someone is "closed to trading" -so if you fight with your spouse doing the dishes orTalk to your boss on an increase And see that their palms are confronted, you may want to recover the conversation at a later date.

AsCarol Kinsey Goman, PhD, Notes in his bookThe silent language of the leaders, "People automatically pronounce their hands (turn their palms down) when they feel strongly on something."

If they cover their chest, they feel nervous.

two people waiting nervously reading body language

People instinctively tend to cover their body when theyTo be nervous. As Goman explains in his book, "the more you cover your chest with arms crossed, crossed legs, etc., the more you seems that you need to protect or defend yourself."

Of course, it is natural for people to feel nervous sometimes, but if you notice that knowledge or colleague covers his body unconsciously, you may be able to help simply by asking what's wrong.

If they touch their necks, they are anxious.

Nervous woman at the doctor touching her neck reading body language

While some people instinctively cover their strands when they feel anxious, others will focus on another area of ​​the body: the neck. "Women will lightly touch the side of their neck, cover the notch at the base of the neck, or play with a necklace," writes Goman. "The men will take more robust the face of the gorge near the Adam's apple."

If their chest is swollen, they are secretly insecurities.

Shirtless Man Puffing Chest {Body Language}

You know that the gymnasium guy who always walks with his inflated chest? Upon his arrival, what his body language says is that he is not secretly so sure of himself. "A swollen chest can signal excessive precision, which is often due to underlying insecurities," explainsErica Halnhal, a movement therapist withChicago dance therapy.

If their head is lowered, they disagree with you.

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The next time you argue with someone, take a look at the head of the person's head. Although it is not a conscious movement, the chances are that their forehead is lowered to the ground. "Lowering his head like this ... implies that the auditor does not like or do not agree with what the president says," human behaviairistDavid Lambert written inCorporal Language 101.

If their legs are extended before them, they are bored.

Man at the office bored with his legs outstretched reading body language

As far as boredom is concerned, body language is used to letting the real emotions of people. When you see someone yawning, beating their fingers on their desk, or take a look at the clock constantly, you can almost guarantee that they prefer to be elsewhere.

However, there are also less obvious body language signals that indicate that someone is bored. According to Lambert, a person whose "legs are completely stretched" could secretly lose interest in what you say, even if they do not want to admit it.

If they play with their belt loops, they are interested in you.

Flirty woman biting her lip reading body language

Even when they try to be chic, women can be surprisingly easy to read. Bite of lip and hair that turns are obvious signs of womenflirt-At according to Lambert, you can also say that a woman is interested in you if she has an inch in her belt buckle or pocket. "Normally, a male aggression or a gesture of superiority, this action aims to draw attention to the crotch," he notes in his book.

If their feet are diverted from you, they do not like you a lot.

Women Turned Away from One Another Because They Hate Each Other Reading Body Language

The position of a person's feet can give the way they feel as much as their facial expression. For example, "if you are in a room with a person you do not like, you will scratch or do not face because you do not want to go out as insensitive or nasty, but your feet will turn away almost immediately from this person , "Joe Navarro, M.A.,Former FBI agent and author ofWhat every body says, explained toPrevention.

If they have a handful handle, they are extroverted.

black person and white person shake hands, skills parents should teach kids

Curious if your new colleague is going to be strong or standing to themselves? Give them a good handful handful. A 2000 study of 112 topics published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology Concluded that "a strong hand handle was positively linked to extroversion and emotional expressiveness" as well as "openness to experience", although it was true only for women.

And if they have a weak hand handle, they are shy.

handshake interview business reading body language

You can also deduce if a person is introverted from the force of their hand handle. In the same study of 2000, researchers discovered that people who had lower handshakes tended to be shorter and more neurotic.

If they avoid visual contact, they are shy.

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If you arefirst appointment And your new FLING will not make contact, you may want to simulate a phone call and get out of there. By 1996 analysis published in the journalPersonality and individual differencesMen-avoiding tend to repress their emotions, while preventable women are often considered by others as "unpleasant, unconscious, unattractive, and even a little more basic on intelligence". Ouch!

If their arms are crossed, they feel defensively.

Man with No Smile and Crossed Arms Reading Body Language

As Goman writes, the men who "have arms crossed in a defensive gesture" tend to feel, well, defensive about something. They also tend to "have their butt jackets", so it's a sign of looking too.

If they are shrugging, they do not want to get involved.

Man Shrugging Shoulders in Argument Over 40

Although considered by many like a passive gesture, shoulder shrugs are anything but. As author seizedLiz Sonneborn written inNon-verbal communication: the art of body language, a complete shoulder shrug - a "with outgoing arms, palm trees, corners of the mouth lowered and lifted eyebrows" - a clear indication that someone is "Shirking responsibility" and "[want] No party what happens. "

If they tighten their jaw, they are stressed.

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Stress is simply one of these emotions that manifests itself in the language of the body of people, no matter the difficulty of trying to hide it. According to Navarro, some frequent stress indicate that including the jaw, rubbing the neck, lowering the chin and shrink your eyes.

If they bow the head, they love you.

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Wondering if your new significant new is close tousing theTHEword with you? Reading their body language can help you assess how they really feel.

"In the presence of someone we love, we will reflete their behavior, tilt your head and blood will flow to our lips, making them full, even if our students dilate," Navarro writes in an article for Psychology today . "Our limbic brain precisely communicates our bodies the true feelings we feel and orchestrates the corresponding non-verbal screens." And for more relationship body language tips, get ready for Read the spirit of your partner with these 10 signs of attraction of the body language .

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Categories: Smarter Living
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