13 warning signs that your pancreas tries to tell you that something is wrong

Pancreas cancer can be difficult to identify, make sure you know these signs before it's too late.

Pancreas cancer is a difficult cancer to identify. In the early stages, there would not be something a lot, if an indication is even wrong, and that's exactly why doctors often refer to it as "silent killer. " Of57,600 casesthat the estimates will be diagnosed in 2020 the American Cancer Society (ACS), many will not be discovered until cancer is at an advanced stage oris propagated to other organs, Like most signs and symptoms appear later. That's why it's so important to know everything about being on the lookout to catch pancreas cancer as soon as possible. Here are 13 signs of cancer warning of the pancreas you need to know. And to learn more about the current battle of a famous character with the disease, see4 the symptoms of Alex Trebek Cancer of the pancreas he had known wanted to.

Persistent Abdominal Pain

Man with stomach ache

Because the pancreas is located in your abdomen, behind the stomach, a frequent symptom of pancreatic cancer experiencing a deaf pain in the stomach because of its pressure on the organ. According toPancreas cancer in the United KingdomThere is something that occurs in about 70 percent of pancreatic cancer cases. He could start like a little discomfort, something you brush. But it can become more painful and persistent, signaling is something wrong. And for obtaining health advice is another organ tries to give you, consult25 warning signs your kidneys send you.

The scratch skin

itchy palms

Itchythe skin has many causesAnd the pancreatic cancer is one of them. TheACSsays the itchiness occurs when bilirubin accumulates in the skin, and you can notice it next to the yellowing of the skin due to jaundice. If this is the case, SlaThering on the lotion will not help. It is at the important place to book an appointment with a doctor as soon as you can.

sudden depression

older asian woman comforting older asian man on couch

Few people realize pancreas cancer can be responsible for depression, even before you realize that you have it.Harvey B. Simon, MD, an internal medicine doctor in Boston, Ma, saidHarvard HealthIt's something those who have pancreatic cancer can grow as cancer develops. A 2018 study published in the journalPancreasAlso argued that until, indicating that there is a cancer of the pancreas depression relationship- "depression particularly of sudden appearance and anxiety in people who have never experienced this condition before. Conscious of this connection could help you to diagnose and treat earlier. And for the things you do who damage your mental well-being, check26 things you do who are wrong with your mental health.

Back ache

Woman rubbing aching back

The pain of the stomach is not the only type of discomfort that will hand in hand with pancreas cancer. According toACS, The backaches is common, too, and occurs when it spreads to the nerves surrounding the pancreas. Whileboth stomach and back pain have many possible causes, there is never a bad idea to check with your doctor, especially when it often happens.

Unexplained weight loss

middle aged white man checks weight on scale

According toMayo ClinicThere are some reasons why weight loss can report pancreas cancer. As the progress of cancer, it consumes the energy of the body, making you lose weight. And if the tumor is resting on the belly, it could make you feel full or make it difficult for you to eat. In addition, when the pancreas does not work properly, it is not to make enough digestive juices needed to help your nutrients body process in the first place.

Gastrointestinal problems


If you start experiencing clear color, stools and oily or aqueous / or stools that are incredibly embalming-when fetide your bath habits are usually very good, pancreas cancer is something to be aware. According toMARYLAND ONCOLOGY HEMATOLOGYThe problem occurs when the biliary channel is blocked, which prevents bilirubin from going to your stool and makes it difficult for your body to digest the fat correctly.


middle aged white woman sweating and checking her pulse

If your auto once solid starts to feel very low from nowhere, your body can try to tell you something is wrong. TheMoffitt Cancer Centersays a frequent symptom of pancreatic cancer is experiencing extreme weakness at the members' level, something that does not happen only with this type of cancer, but many different types. It's basically because cancerNutrients that your body needsIn order to grow and cause harm.


A tired man adjusts his face mask while outdoors during the COVID-19 crises.

As a feeling of weakness, cancer and pancreas all cancers, for this subject can also make you feel very tired. If there is no other explanation why you are so tired, there is something to be verified. A 2018 study published in the journalActa BiomedicaNotes Cancer's fatigue is defined as a physically exhausted feeling by cancer or cancer treatments, and this can have a significant impact on your typical daily activities. And for more potential causes of your fatigue, check23 reasons why you are tired all the time.

Yellowing of the skin and eyes

asian doctor examining woman's eye with flashlight
Shutterstock / Pormezz

Notice your skin and your yellow turning eyes is something you shouldneverignore. Jaundice may be due to conditions such asliver disease and hepatitis butMatthew Walsh, MD, a surgeon in Cleveland, Oh, saidon a podcastthat he can also go hand in hand with pancreas cancer. "You can have a relatively small tumor at the very end of the pancreas that can cause jaundice," he said. "[It's] one of the symptoms and that can happen relatively early". And for more problems with vision, see17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

Sudden diabetes

Man having his blood glucose levels checked by his doctor for diabetes

According to Walsh,Develop diabetes Suddenly at an older age is never something to take lightly. "You should look at the pancreas because it can be one of the features," he said onpodcast. But how is it even?Johns Hopkins UniversitySays that pancreatic cancer can trigger a case of diabetes suddenly diabetes, or late-appearance diabetes, through "destroying cells that make insulin, causing an increase in blood glucose." And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Dark urine

Person opening the door to go to the bathroom

While most people assume that jaundice affects onlyyour eyes And the skin, this accumulation of bilirubin in the body can also cause a dark urine. According toACSIt is sometimes sometimes the first sign of jaundice, even before noting a change of your skin or your eyes. The darkening of the urine occurs when bilirubin levels in the increase of blood, which changes urine to a brown color.

Nausea or vomiting

Woman with nausea lying on the couch

When you have pancreatic cancer, something you can feel is nausea or vomiting. According toACSThis happens when cancer puts pressure on your stomach, making it difficult to cross your food. It can also make you feel really nauseous - as long as it might even vomit you.

Blood clots

doctor examining muscle of patient, health questions after 50

You do not want to go wrong with blood clots. According toGI Associates and Endoscopy CenterDeep vein thrombosis - when a blood clot occurs in a large vein - can sometimes be the first sign of pancreatic cancer, and it usually appears as a redness, swelling and pain in the leg that has the blood clot . Since a piece of blood clot can go to your lungs, making it difficult to breathe, it's something to be checked immediately.

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