This is the only state that saw a second peak of Covid

How Louisiana beat the coronavirus only for this to return that higher.

Until now in the United States, the majority of states that have experienced a COVID peak have not experienced another at the same level. Some states, includingIllinois and Michigan, saw a slight rise in new cases daily months after their first tips, while other states, likenew York And Massachusetts, have kept their total new daily cases always weak because of serious initial peaks. At this stage of the pandemic,Only one state saw a second peak of Covid, even more important than the first: Louisiana.

Louisiana knew his firstCOVID PIC early in the pandemic, reporting 2,201 new cases as of April 4, depending on the data ofThe New York Times. At the end of July, the state increased again and higher.

Booby, MD, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, evaluated the Second State Summit on August 25, Media Conference on the PandemicBetter life assisted. According to Bloom, the Louisiana's cases dropped when they implemented a social distancing in the spring, but that the graph turned again when the leadership "was complacent and decided that they could open. He compared. He compared. The inverted progress of Louisiana to the more constant improvement of Arizona, Texas and the States of Georgia that it said have become more successful in preventive guidelines.

exterior architecture in New Orleans, southern and festive

Bloom also attributed the second peak of Louisiana to the behavior of individual citizens. "Either you have people notmasks Or people gathering in very close quarters and, if so, the epidemic will take its natural course, which must transmit. He seeks his own survival, "he said.

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In response to climbing numbers, Louisiana reversed some reopening measures. The bars will remain closed at least in August and there is now a mask mandate in place, by theTimes. During the teleconference, Bloom pointed out that guiding the behavior of Louisiana residents is the key to keeping the numbers low.

"Empowering the public to assume responsibility for one's own safety is the way these curves are going better," he said.

For the way other difficulty zones do, checkDr. Fauci says these states do not need to lock again.

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