40 doctors habits want you to adopt after 40 years

Do not wait - start doing these things right now.

By the time you reachYour 40s, it may seem like you are stuck in your way. You have the same habits - at once good and bad - that you have been practicing for years, if not decades. But since your 40s are a time when your body, your interests and responsibilities suffer significant changes, your habits should too, especially with regard to your health. With that in mind, here are 40 habits that you are going to be part of your daily life from here, according to health and health professionals.

To confront your vices.

habits after 40

Your bad habits Are probably deeply rooted when you are in your 40-year-old, but by this stage of life, you also have a clear sense of the type of damage they can cause. Your 40s are the time to look closer to your behaviors and deny your vices in the burgeon.

"If you smoke, drink more than you should (more than one glass for women and two men per day on a regular basis), bet excessively ... or struggle with other forms of addiction, It is essential to confront these bad habits and take action, "saysLisa Doggett, MD, a family doctor based in Austin, Texas. "The consequences of uncontrolled defects can increase with age and reach a doctor, a friendly friend or other community resources can make a big difference."

Hierarchize preventive health.

woman at the doctor's office habits after 40

Plan annual (or semi-annual) physical documents with your doctor and make sure you follow the doctor's commands. "Chronic disease rates increase considerably as we get older," says Doggett. "Conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension can be detected early by routine medical visits and early treatment reduces the risk of heart disease and other complications.The cancer rates also increase as we get older, so that screening tests become more important in our 40s. "

Get enough sleep every night.

Black man sleeping in his bed
PeopleImages / iStock

You heardSleep is important-And you know you're at the stop, you can be miserable when you do not have enough. But once you have entered your forties, you may need to re-evaluate exactly how much sleep you get. "TheQuality of our sleep tends to decrease with age, partly due to an increase in the stress of life and hormonal changes that occur in men and women over 40, "saysIvana Chapman, a Fitness and Nutrition Coach based in Toronto. "Getting the seven to nine hours recommended at nine o'clock will improve your immune system, reduce stress levels and optimize your recovery of exercise."

And wake up without a waking.

woman with insomnia, signs you need a new mattress

If you want to make sure that your good night is not interrupted abnormally and unhealthy, you may want to get rid of your awakening. And it's not just for the love of your sleep cycle. In a 2005 study published in the newspaperIndustrial healthThe researchers found that while the blood pressure and heart rate increased rapidly with the use of an awakening, gradually and healthier levels increased progressively when subjects woke up.

Keep the bedroom technology.

mature couple in bed, long marriage tips

For many of us, in a few years barely,smartphones have gone from novelty to a necessity. And although these devices provide tons of entertainment and connection as plans - they can also be detrimental to your mental health and the development of good habits.

"When it comes to sleeping, 40 people are the worst. Most of their sleep disturbances come from the overuse of technology - the blue light emitted from smartphones, computers and TVs disrupts the natural circadian rhythm because it inhibits the production of melatonin "," saysWalter Gaman, MD, co-author ofStay young: 10 proven steps for ultimate health."Avoid electronic components two hours before going to bed and opt fora great novel instead of."

Raise your desk.

Stressed business woman standing and thinking in front of the office window.
Bona / iStock

"Many works thatpeople in their fortiesHave calling a heavy computer work. Although your fingers can go ninety to nothing, your big muscles are stagnant sitting, "says Gaman."Assisi is really the newsmoking Because the life of a sedentary way of life increases inflammation and inflammation is the root of most chronic diseases. "

So what can you do if you have to beat your desk all day? Get a standing office or treadmill, or take micro-breaks throughout the day to stretch or walk around the block. There are many small but significant changes you can do to avoid putting your health in danger.

Weight train.

happy older woman working out with dumbbells, things you shouldn't say about someone's body

This habit of being healthy in your forties will benefit you more in a way. "Training with weight two to four times a weekconstructed muscleAnd maintains bone density, "says Chapman." It is also easier to maintain your weight, because a softer body with more muscle is more active metabolically and burns more calories all day. "

Eat more protein.

eggs salmon milk and chicken, healthy sex after 40

"Build and preserve precious muscles is not possible if you do not take enough protein," says Chapman. She notes that theThe USDA Recommendation-5.5 ounces of daily proteins - is "unnecessarily low, and [they do not represent the amount of protein required for the health and optimal growth of health and muscles." She says that to maintain and build muscles in your 40-year-olds, you should aim to get 0.8 to 1 gram of protein by body weight book a day.

And add more nuts to your diet.

habits after 40

There is a reason why doctors are nuts for nuts, especially since their patients get older. In the 20 years over 20 years, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health followed nearly 156,000 men and women in four-year intervals. Their research, published in theBritish medical newspaper In 2019, determined that topics that ate a daily portion of any type of nut had a risk of lower weight gain and obesity.

"Adding an ounce of nuts to your diet instead of less healthy foods, such as red or transformed meat, fries or sugary snacks - can help prevent this slow and progressive weight gain after entering the adult age and reduce the risk of obesity associated cardiovascular diseases, "study authorXiaorant Liu, PhD, says in adeclaration.

Take care of your health.

Yogurt with berries

While you want to eat wisely to help keep your weight under control, it's not just the size of your intestine that you should be concerned about in your forties. "Eighty percent of your immunity is in your intestine," says Gaman. "The protection of your microbiome should be an absolute priority. Do this by avoiding artificial sweeteners and increasing your consumption of prebiotic foods and rich in probiotics, such as yogurt, sauerkraut and asparagus."

Buy products on the local farmer market.

habits after 40

These days, most cities have at least one farmer market, if not several. These are great places to go for fresh products - and while you are there, you can inspire you to take nutritious meals with seasonal ingredients. Through programs likePrescription for healthSome doctors even write "prescriptions" for their patients Visit the farmer's market to ensure adequate suitability of fruits and vegetables.

Go to the dermatologist every year.

Skin Cancer habits after 40

Visit the dermatologist annually becomes particularly important once you reach 40. According to theAmerican Cancer Society,melanoma The risk increases with age and the average age of diagnosis is 65 years. Make sure your skin is checked at least once a year so if you haveskin cancerYou can make it treated in the early stages.

Apply a solar screen every day.

Black woman applying, spraying sun protection cream on her legs, habits after 40
Ruslandashinsky / iStock

It is a good habit at any age, but it is particularly critical in your forties, seeing that your risk of melanoma increases with age, and theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention(CDC) lists sun's UV exposure as one of the main controllable risk factors. Find aSolar cream with moisturizer to protect you from skin cancer andFight these wrinkles simultaneously.

Wear sunglasses.

Older Woman Wearing Sunglasses Outside Habits after 40

Sunglasses are more than a fashion statement; They prevent "UV exposure, [which]promotes skin cancer eyelids and cancer of the surface mucosa membrane ", declaresHoward R. Krauss, MD, surgical neuro-ophthalmologist at Providence St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. After 40 years, he recommends wearing sunglasses not onlyin summerBut every time you get out outside.

Have a dedicated fitness regime.

man working out at home, over 40 fitness

"The best leaders andThe most prosperous people in the world make fitness a priority, "saysMarcello Pedalino, a fitness coach, the coach of conscience and the author ofCelebrate life. "Sleep, nutrition and exercise are the foundation [for good health] and a coherent implementation of the three are paramount if you want to be ready for life throws your way."

Keep a good (and positive) business.

Older Adult Friends at a Cafe Drinking Green Tea, healthy sex after 40

It is important to be used to spending time with people who enrich your life.Science has shown that negativity is contagious, then make plans with positive and edifying people can go far as far as yourMental and emotional well-being are concerned.

According to Pedalino, you should ask you which group has a given social connection falls into: a VIP person (very inspiring person) or a VDP (very drained person). "Getting out of your way of associating yourself with VIPs that will inspire you, to empower you and bring out the best in you," he says. "Remove from the VDPS company, people who can find a problem for Each solution. "

Feed closed connections.

habits after 40

"Spending time with those who have a meaning in our lives, to whom we feel most comfortable and we can count on us, allows us to feel a feeling of intimacy, trust and get rid of the stress, "saysDeborah Heiser, a lifestyle consultant and founder ofPICTURE andThe mentor project. And here is an extra bonus: a 2010 meta-analysis published in the journalPlum medicine found that the topics that had stronger social relations had an increased survival probability of 50%.

Breathe deeply every day.

Black woman takes deep breath outdoors, habits after 40
Adamkaz / iStock

Doctors swear by this healthy habit and relieved by the stress as most of them even exercise themselves. "I take 30 seconds for re-center," saysMichael Sinel, MD, a clinical teacher assistant in the UCLA Department of Medicine. "It can be done simply by taking three deep deep breaths, inhaling for four seconds and expiring for six seconds. It helps me clean my mind so that I can focus."

Take hot baths.

woman relaxing in the bath tub, over 40 fitness

Want to burn calories andblow up At one elbow? Draw a hot bath. A study published in 2017 in the journalTemperature I found that sitting in a hot bath for 60 minutes burning 130 calories, which is the same amount you burn walking for 30 minutes. In addition, the study participants also saw lower blood sugar levels and reduced inflammation when sitting in hot water for one hour. The benefits of baths are really endless!

Laugh and smile often.

older couple smiling and laughing outside, old fashioned compliments

Enter the habit of smiling when you enter a room and laughter easily and openly when you findSomething funny Is not only contagious, it's so healthy for you. As theMAYO Clinic Notes, laughter stimulates your mood, reduces stress and evenImproves your heart health.

Compliment people.

habits after 40

Take the time to point out the things you love about others, whether it's a friend,collaborater, or Uber pilot. Just a quick approving comment on someone's shoes or the way they did their job will let you better feel better. Research - like this 2008 study published in the journalNeuron-The showing that getting a complimency activates the feeling of good brain areas that improve mood and motivate you to get things done. More,Compliment is more likely to get compliments!

Have more sex.

Man Checking in During Sex, healthy sex after 40

YesYou are in a committed relationshipThere is a good chance that sex has strived a bit since your honeymoon period. If this is the case, try to reign the spark and make sex a more common habit. Not only does it feel good, but orgasms have been found atReduce stress and depression andIncrease the immunity of your body to the infection.

And get more creativity in the bedroom.

Lesbian couple joyfully laughing while laying in bed, habits after 40
Marilyn Nieves / iStock

Make a habit of becoming more creative in the bedroomStrengthen your relationship And in turn, do you and your partner healthier, more relaxed and more accomplished. A 2019 study published in the journalPsychological science Even found it that over an eight-year period, people who had happy partners had a lower risk of mortality.

Travel more.

older couple splashing on the beach, school nurse secrets

When was the last time you took a trip? If you need to think about it, chances are your body and the brain could use a rest. WhileRetirement is important, you should also budget for someMemorable holidays At least a few times a year. Not only do these trips offer not only a change in a welcome pace, but research from 2010 published in the newspaperPsychosomatic medicine also found that quiet activities - like those you do during a vacation - can reduce stress-related cortisol levels andreduc your blood pressure.

Incorporate more activities into your daily life.

black couple hiking in nature, healthy sex after 40

Holidays are not the only way to integrate stress control activities into your schedule. "Start planning good things [every day], like meeting friends, hike, visit a parent that you have not seen for years, etc." said, "saidDavid Bennett, a certified advisor and a relationship expert who directs the websiteThe popular man. "You will find that if you start planning positive things, you do more of these positive things and you feel better."


habits after 40

Another habit that provides advantages of major - mental health,physicalAnd beyond, it's meditation. "Our world is far too fast and there are far too many threats against our tonsygdalae to manage," saysJonathan Deyoe, author ofConscious currency and founder ofDeyoe Wealth Management In Berkeley, California. "The practice of mindfulness, like meditation, can slow down our natural responsiveness and help us think of better solutions."

Practice gratitude.

older couple hugging outdoors, better wife after 40

There is no doubt that many things that frustrate you or are not exactly to your taste throughout the day, but for your own peace and your well-being in the long run, taking the habit ofgratitude can prove enormously beneficial.

"Gratitude is a great habit that allows a person to appreciate the experiences they have had and who did them who they are today," saysAnthony Tree, men's health coach. Search published inThe examination of the communication In 2016, even showed that being grateful makes people more likely to hit the gym.

Stabbing black circles.

woman looking at her face in the mirror habits after 40

Commoncomplexion problem that afflicts those of their 40 years Do these thugs are soubas. To get rid of these, you will want to make eye cream a standard part of your morning routine. More specifically, look for a cream containing retinol; As a Dermatologist based in New YorkJoshua Zeichner, MD, explained toTrue simple, this ingredient "stimulates collagen production to help the skin firm skin and strengthen the foundation of the skin".

To drink a lot of water.

old man drinking water after exercising, ways to feel amazing

Hydration makes all kinds of good things for your health, mind and body, and it only becomes more vital than you get older. As theCDC Remarks,drink water Maintains the internal temperature of your body, lubricates and cushion your joints, protects your spinal cord and helps to rid your body of waste via urination, perspiration and intestinal movements.

Take a nap.

older woman taking a nap habits after 40

All healthy people recommended by the doctor are not necessarily difficult. Case to another: for better cardiac health, many health professionals suggestAdd more NAPS In your schedule. A 2019 observation study published in the journalHeartEven even found that the subjects who have established one or twice a week had a 48% decrease in the risk of heart attack, a stroke and heart failure compared to those who have never buffered.

Handle your anger.

woman angry using computer

If there is an emotion, you want to leave your delay in your 30s, it's anger. In addition to emotionally affecting you, a 2019 study of theAmerican Heart Association foundbe angry Can lead to the development of chronic diseases, such as heart disease.

Use an electric toothbrush.

old man brushing teeth, things that would horrify your dentist

Electric toothbrushes have always been proven to be more efficient than manual manuals. According toDental blue back, a dental practice in Connecticut, it is better to eliminate the plate, they keep your gums healthier and they are easier to use. With the wide range of styles and price points now available, there is no excuse for not upgrading: yourteeth and gum I'll thank you.

Spend a lot of time outside.

couple having picnic outside party

Most older people of quarantine are already experiencing mental benefits and stimulating mood to be of nature, but what about physical problems? A 2014 study of theSouthampton University found that ultraviolet light - even when received in small doses - dilache of blood vessels and significantly decreases blood pressure. Another 2018 study of theUniversity of East Anglia concluded that those who have spent more time in green spaces had a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,heart diseaseAnd early death.

To wake up early.

habits after 40

Ben Franklin knew what he was talking about: the first columns to surveys tend to be in good health,richand wise. And, according to a 2018 study published in thePsychiatric Research JournalThey are also healthier mental. During the four-year study of more than 32,000 nurses, those who were Chinese columns were more likely to become depressed than thosewoke up the previous side.

Enjoy a big breakfast every morning.

Big breakfast with eggs and fruit habits after 40
FRIND Flow / Bruyère

The breakfast is the most important meal of the day - not just because the pancakes are delicious. In 2018, researchers fromTel Aviv University has found that a large breakfast has helped patients and obese patients withType 2 diabetes losing weight and reduce their need for insulin respectively.

Exercise in the morning.

Man Listening to Music with Headphones at the Gym Healthy Man

Whether it's full workout or a few minutes of stretching, being active as part of your morning routine will do your brain well. It will be more relaxed and more concentrated throughout the day. For example, a 2019 study published in theSports Medicine JournalI found that when the elderly worked for 30 minutes in the morning, they saw improved knowledge throughout the day.

Actively moves to work.

Businessman on Bike Corny Jokes

If the distance from your home to your workplace is not absurdly long, try turningyour trip In a walk or a bike ride, which makes it more active. Since being active in the morningMental and physical benefits It's sustainable, it's the perfect way to start your day. In addition, research published in theBritish medical newspaper In 2017, it was discovered specifically that walking on work was associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Enjoy the sauna of your gym.

old and young woman in sauna

Do not be afraid to jump into the sauna after a sweat session at the gym. "Saunas help the body to detoxify ... and have been demonstrated to reduce stress and risk of features", noteRichard Harris, MD, the founder ofGreat health and well-being, a well-being clinic based on Houston. "The saunas cause that the body increases a specific protein, called" heat shock "proteins, which have many health benefits."

Always have a book in progress.

man reading in bed habits after 40

Whether it bea novel, a biography or a self-help manual, you should always have a book that you are reading. Not only does the reading inspire new ideas, sharpen your reading skills and expand your knowledge base, but it also gives you the mental benefits of expanding your mind. A 2013 study published in the journalNeurology Even found that reading slows the natural cognitive decline observed in the elderly.

Book a little time for yourself.

higher energy person

"Whatever the phase [of life], you are probably that you may have lost sight of your own yourself, your goals or priorities," saysJulia Colangelo, LCSW, a therapist and a clinical social worker in New York. "Try to review how you would ideally like to spend your time and create a space during your day to give you time to focus on yourself. It can be in the form of revising a hobby that you thought you did not have Time, try something new, or start a new routine for yourself at sunrise or sunset. "This small but important change can have a serious impact on your mental well-being in quarantine and -of the! And for more ways to stay in mental form, here is20 ways to improve your mental health every day.

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