This thing could make the second wave of coronavirus even more murderer

Tackling the next increase in COVID-19 cases can not be as easy, thanks to this annual occurrence.

As many celebrate the reopening of companies in the United States, excitement is deflated by the dangerous forge of Covid-19 cases that arrive. And while most medical experts stillSee this tip as part of the first wave From the epidemic, many advise managers to prepare for an increase that will strike in the fall. Unfortunately, the experts also fear that thisThe second wave of coronavirus will be even more murderous-You thank you to theEarly annual evolution of seasonal influenza It will overlap with her.

The warning comes from prepared testimonies prepared in the Congress of Key Health Officers, including the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).Anthony Fauci, MD. The experts plan to tell legislators on Tuesday that they fear that everythingSpike in cases of Covid-19 during the flu season Could be catastrophic, Bloomberg reports.

Portrait of young woman with protective face mask on the street, looking at camera

Part of their prepared statement reads as follows:

Although it remains clear for how long the pandemic will last the pandemic, the COVID-19 activity will probably continue for a while. It is also difficult to know what impact on the current COVID-19 pandemic will have on health care and public health systems at the next influenza season. If there isCovid-19 and Influenza Activity At the same time, this could place a tremendous burden on the health care system, the needs of laboratory tests, the personal protective equipment and the safety of health workers.

The potential mortal double mortal alarm is raised due to the amount of time needed to develop and distribute an effective coronavirus vaccine. Best estimates, most medical experts believeA vaccine will not be available before the beginning 2021.

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Seasonal flu takesA hard toll on the country's health system every year. According to the figures of the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) from 2010 to 2019, annual averages are approximately 447,000 hospitalizations and 37,000 deaths at the USHospital beds fill in CVIV-19 cases and become unavailable for influenza patients, experts fear that the mortality rate could not increase.

The prepared testimony also reveals that the CDC is preparing for the increase of cases with anewly developed test This can check for both COVID-19 and influenza simultaneously, saying that "will save public health laboratories both time and resources, including test materials under supply."

They also increase funding forVaccines against influenza In the country, aimed at increasing access to higher-risk populations and those who can not afford an influenza vaccine, according to Bloomberg. And for more on what could be next in the pandemic, checkHere's when the second wave of coronavirus arrives, doctors warn.

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