11 ways of working from the house is unhealthy, according to experts

Are the benefits of working from home will turn the toll you can take?

Only a few months ago,Work could have resemble a dream. However, in recent weeks you have probably learned that typing of bed e-mails, leaving for lunch and meetings in sweatpants are not all that is cracked to be. Ofcabin fever For migraines, working at home comes with its own set of unique challenges - many of them physical. Although you may have noticed some of the ways your new routine has started taking a toll on your body, a handful of potential complications are a little sneaky. We asked the experts to weigh on these 11 different ways of working at home are unhealthy for your body.

Sleep becomes more difficult.

Woman can't stay asleep

It seems that everyone you talk about these dayssleeping troubles In one way or another, and working from home is not likely to help things when it's up to you to rest more.

"Our bodies want consistency. Each of us is equipped with a 24-hour internal body clock known as our circadian rhythm. This tells us when to rest and when to be alert," says the coach of Sleep- ScienceTo fish, editor ofSleep of sleep.org. "The problem is that most of us work at home, children returned to school and our schedules were overthrown."

Some possiblehealth problems resulting from lack of sleep Include a visually impaired cognitive function and an immune system, depression, anxiety and hypertension. To learn more about the impact, an insufficient amount of rest may have, check7 ways to be deprived of sleep for a night affects your body.

It puts additional constraints on your eyes.

Woman squinting at computer screen

As you transmit to work at home, your workday can easily bleed in personal time, which can lead to your eyesplastered for nine or ten hours a day. Like many people, with little else to occupy your time, you can find yourself reaching the TV remote or smartphone just after work - maybe even both! According toAmerican optometric association, all thatscreen time Can lead to computer vision syndrome (CV), sometimes called digital eye strain, which can cause headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes and neck and shoulder pain. Some situations that can exacerbate the symptoms of CVS include poor lighting, glare, an inappropriate viewing distance and poor posture.

Your risk of thrombosis increases.

Man working at home desk

Thrombosis - orA clot forming in a blood vessel-When one of the side effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Mary Cushman, MD, publisher of the magazine,Research and practical in thrombosis and hemostasis, said: "When we work in our offices, we are constantly moving and keeping our blood flowing without having to think about it really, however, it is now a challenge for millions of forced Americans to stay at home." To prevent thrombosis, Cushman suggests taking time breaks, give your legs a sufficient space under your office, moving your legs and toes from time to time while working and stay hydrated.

It becomes more difficult to obtain the appropriate amount of vitamin D.

Woman looking outside from her desk with tablet

With access to the World World Limited, your chances of living vitamin D become much higher.

Lisa Bruno, RDN, says that "Sunshine Vitamin" is essential to maintain health and cognitive functioning. It adds that, even before Covid-19, about 50% of the population did not have enough vitamin D so that the shelter in place has exacerbated only the problem. To find out more about the side effects of not having enough essential vitamin, check20 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, according to medical experts.

You do not get enough exercise.

Woman working from her bed with dog in lap

Health experts often suggest aMinimum of 10,000 steps per day, which is about 5 miles. Although it can already look like an important goal, it is certainly to achieve this number significantly more difficult. Yet you should make a focused effort to reach at least half of this target number.

"Walking 5,000 walks or less is considered a sedentary life that is dangerous to our health," saidLynell Ross, founder and editor ofZivadream. For simple interior workout sessions, see23 easy exercises that you can do at home for quarantine.

Your posture worsens.

Woman with bad posture working

Let's look at it, sitting at your desk, slave and tense shoulders, is just not a good look - and is not it healthy. And because you work at home, you are less likely to take breaks, which will only exacerbate the negative impact of your bad posture. "The cumulative impact of this can have serious consequences for long-term health such as musculoskeletal injuries to nerves, spine tendons and disks when working in prolonged static postures," said Certified professional ergonomistJonathan Poleio, VP ofHumanscale Consulting.

You feel worse and pain.

Man with neck pain while working from home

Poor posture is not the only problem you encounter when you work at home.Nick Rizzo, Director of Fitness Research atRUNREPHEAT.COM, says that hours spending in a non-ergonomic position can cause hips and narrower pain in the shoulders, neck, lower back and knees.

You earn weight.

Man eating noodles while working from home

If you have put some extra pounds since the beginning of oneself, know that you are not alone. In reality,David Buchin, MD, found that many people eat excess, roles on fast food and hide faster during isolation. Buchin refers to this phenomenon as "Binge Corona": Some people earn five pounds a week as a result of deteriorated regimes and lack of exercise.

Digestive problems become more likely.

Woman experiencing stomach discomfort while working on computer

Do you know that the familiar feeling of having to "walk" a huge meal responsible for glucidity? It turns out that it is not an imagined phenomenon, because if sitting for too long can negatively affect your digestive system. According toCanadian Gastroenterology Journal,A lack of exercise-A main characteristic of a sedentary lifestyle compresses the body organs and decreases blood flow, which can lead to inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, the compression of your abdomen in a sitting positionSlow down digestion, which causes bloating, gases, cramps and stomach burns.

Your sex drive decreases.

Man stressed in bed suffering from low libido

Low libido can be caused By many things - lack of exercise to increase the stress of sleep deprivation, which are all side effects of working from home, says Rizzo. "Many people can see their sex drive significantly significantly due to much less active than at work and many gymnasiums are now closed."

Your anxiety increases.

Mother working from home taking care of baby

With shuttle buffers, lunches with colleagues and cafe breaks removed, it is not surprising that you feel more stressed.

"People spend a lot of time inside looking screens and their four walls," saysLissa Michalak, a therapist and educator of somatic movements registered. "This has aserious effect on the somatic organism, which means that the combined mind and body. When we are looking for things that are close to us, we literally lose the perspective. Mischalak explains that this loss of perspective, combined with limited ability to release stress outside your home, can easily lead to an increase in anxiety.

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