You can get Covid from your neighbor unexpectedly, the study says

The researchers in China have found traces of the virus in separate units of the same building.

Since the beginnings of the pandemic when cleaning products have been wiped up shelves by hordes of shoppers, many people have gone long for their home to be exempt from coronavirus. Despite the fact that we know now that you areUnlikely to contract Covid of surfaceswe have always threw ourDisinfection routines, Wash our hands during the reinquiet of the house after being in public and avoid inviting guests. But a recent study in China, published in the newspaperEnvironmentInternational, has shown that even the most cautious households can be infected.Researchers suggest that it is possible toGet Covid from your sick neighbor Through the pipes and plumbing of your toilet.

While we have known for a long time since theThe virus can survive in fecal matter, scientific research of the Chinese center for disease control and prevention revealed concluding evidence that the virus can spread in this way. The researchers reveal that the bathroom of a vacant apartment in Guangzhou, China, wasfull of coronavirus particles which floated one floor through the plumbing of a 15th floor unit that housed several infected people. In the empty long unit on the 16th floor, samples of the virus were collected from several surfaces, including the sink, the faucet and the shower handle. This bathroom was located "just above the bathroom of the apartment of five people with Covid-19," the authors write.

Researchers also conducted "a similar tracer simulation experience" reports Bloomberg to verify that theThe virus could travel through pipes in the building. The tests found that a toilet Revinver on the 15th floor was able to pass materials to the 25th floor (where two cases of covidation were confirmed) and the 27th floor (where two other cases were found), raising the theory whoAerosolized particles of faecal matter had worn Covid from one neighbor to another.

Bathroom door open looking at a toilet

This study is not the first to indicate that your toilets can play a role in the passage of the virus particles, either. Two residents of a Hong Kong Apartment Buildingcontracted coronavirus In February, despite 10 floors outside the other. Investigators laterdiscovered an unsealed pipe In the bathroom of one of the infected tenants. And in 2003, a serious acute respiratory syndrome case - or SARS, provoked by another coronavirus - has been noted having infected tenants ofPublic housing building in Hong Kong Through defective plumbing research, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proven.

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"The toilet, due to the loss of Sars-Cov-2 in fecal and aerosolization when rinsing the toilets, must be cleaned regularly" the authors of the newEnvironmentInternational written study. "If the toilet seat is equipped with a lid, it is recommended to close the lid before rinsing the toilets." And for more information on how daily activities can endanger you,24 things you do every day that put you at risk of Covid.

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