31 Fun facts about Julia Child

She is the beloved TV chef, but how much do you really know about Julia Child?

Julia child isone of the most loved chefs For all grace, the television screens of the world. The curriculum vitae of the child is impressive; She was on television for 37 years and wrote 18 pounds. She is particularly known so that we use French cuisine in the daily lives of the Americans - and for her love of butter.

The child did not start cooking until his life in his life and his first recovery book was not published before having 49 years. And it's just scratching the surface! Learn what the last meal of the child was, where she learned to cook, what jobs she had in front of the world has become obsessed with her cooking and much more who will certainly surprise you.

Here is the most spiritFacts about Julia Child Even his biggest fans might not know. And if you like cooking,Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!

1. Julia Child was a growing athlete.
The child was extremely big. She was 6'2, "who meant she played a lot of sport in her youth. Growing up, child played tennis, golf and basketball. She continued.Play Basketball at Smith College College. After the college, his goal has brought the attention of sports to join the army.

2. His first job outside the university was in advertising.
After graduating from Smith College, the child moved to New York to try to become a writer. She ended up landing a writing job in the Advertising Department of W. & J. Sloane, a high-end furniture store, according to the Julia Child Foundation.

3. She was too big to enlist in the waves of the navy and the corps of the women's army.
The child was dead to join the army during the Second World War and ended upRegister for the Strategic Services Office As a tycoograph at their headquarters in Washington, DC she quickly increased in the ranks of the OSS, and she soon spent a typical typing of a high-end researcher working directly with the director of the OSS at the time . The OSS was the predecessor of the central intelligence agency. Yes, as in the CIA.

4. She helped develop a widespread shark for the war.
She spent her time at the OSS that completes exciting and intimidating tasks. In particular, the child was responsible for developing a repellent shark during the Second World War that helped to move sharks away from submarine explosives.

5. She received the emblem of the meritorious civil service.
The child had many titles while working for the OSS, which meant she lived around the world. While during his last publication in chunking, China, the child has received theMeritorious civil service emblem as responsible for the OSS Secretariat Registry. The emblem of the Meritorious Civil Service is generally the second highest prize, or the medal, the civilian employees of the federal agencies can receive.

6. Child and her husband met in service.
Another important part of the child's time at the OSS was met her husband, Paul, abroad on duty. Paul and Julia met in 1944 when they were both stationed in Kandy, Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka). They married two years later when they both left the OSS.

7. The child did not learn to cook before meeting her husband.
The child grew up with a cook, she did not have to cook grow. It was not before meeting her husband Paul, she started cooking and found the joy of doing food. Paul was a mundane man and Julia wanted to learn to cook to impress her. After the war and the return to the states, JuliaRegistered in Hillcliff School of Cookery in Beverly Hills. Paul is credited with Julia's presentation to French cuisine, starting his love of French cuisine. She finally enrolled in the famous blue cord in France.

8. Child taught an informal cooking school of his apartment in Paris.
While living in Paris, the child joined the women's cooking club the gourmet circle. This is where she met Simone Beck and Beck's Friend Louisette Bertholle. The three would say to start their cooking school outside the Parisian cooking apartment of the child. Their school was called the school of three gourmandes, which translates into the school of three food lovers.

9. The child was one of the three authors ofMaster the art of French cuisine.
Which child jumping career as acclaimed French chef was his first cookbook,Master the art of French cuisine. But the child was not the only author of this cookbook renamed. She wrote it alongside Beck and Bertholle and it was initially Beck and Bertholle has the idea of ​​writing a French cookbook for Americans. The three would test their recipes on their students at the three gourmet school.

10. It took nine years child to publish his first recipe book.
DespiteMaster the art of French cuisineBeing the career brand of the child, it was not easy to have it published. For starters, it took years for children, Beck and Bertholle to finish the manuscript and test recipes. The three initially signed a contract with the Houghton Mifflin publishing house, but also the time spent, the publishing house rejected their contract due to the duration of the recipe book and recipes. Finally, the 726-page recipe book was published after nine years, thanks to Alfred A. Knopf.

11. His last book was posthumously published.
Julia wrote 18 pounds during her life, most cookbooks. His last published book,My life in France, Was an autobiography on his time living in France, learning to cook French cuisine. He presented Julia's handwritten notes and her husband, Paul, and she wrote this book with the Grandnephew of her husband Alex Prud'homme. Child, unfortunately, died before the publication of the book, so Prud'homme then finished the book and it was published two years posthumously.

12. The start of the child's television was a tutorial of the omelette cuisine.
Alfred A. Knopf gave very little money to the child, in Beck and Bertholle, to make known his book. The child took into account his own hands to several proposals to promote the recipe book. One of the programs she appeared wasI read, a program on books produced by the Boston WGBH PBS station. The child showed the interview with his equipment and taught everyoneHow to make an omelette Using a hot plate. Twenty-seven spectators wrote to the train station that sings the praises of the child, convincing WGBH to give a kitchen show.

13. The French chef was the first baking show on PBS.
The French chef broken a lot of barriers, one being theFirst kitchen show on PBSAnd one of the first cooking shows in America.The French chef Conditioned in 1963 and lasted 10 seasons. She then went to appear on television screens over the next decades.

14. The victory of the Emmy of the child was revealing.
In 1966, childWon an Emmy for achievements in Television of EducationThe walking the first personality of the teaching television to win an Emmy. It will always be known for introducing French cuisine in American houses.

15. The French chef was the first television program with closed subtitling.
The French chef Also was the first televised program to have closed subtitling for teenable and viewers. That's right, the closed subtitling was not even a thing before the child's show! According toThe National Institute of LegencierIn 1970, ABC joined the National Standards Office for creating closed subtitling, which helped push funding to make it an accessible feature for all channels.

16. The French chef was unadited.
The digital film was not around the era ofThe French chef. This meant that most of the French leader episodes are non-off and filmed at once, giving the public a complete view of the charming personality of the child. It also meant thatmany of his mistakes were shown on television. This allowed the child to showHow to Fix Common Cooking ErrorsAnd get closer to his viewers.

17. The child founded the American Institute of Wine and Food.
In 1981, a child, alongside Robert Mondavi and Richard Graff, founded theAmerican Wine and Food Institute. The AIWF is a non-profit goal that helps professionals and food and wine enthusiasts, and consists of promoting and enjoying food and wine in all its glory.

18. Many television programs and television recipes of the child went hand in hand.
The child had 13 television programs and 16 cookbages. Most of her TV shows had cooking companions. In this way, readers could follow a recipe while watching the cook child.

19. By turning the cooking with Julia, the child used 753 butter pounds.
The child is more widely recalled for his use and his love of butter. PBS states that when filtrating his showCooking with JuliaChild used a total of 753 pounds of butter throughout the show. It was broadcast for four seasons from 1996 to 1999.

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20. The true cuisine of the child was the whole of three of his shows
Child's cuisine in his Cambridge, Massachusetts at home that her husband was designed for her, was the backdrop of three of her television shows. Child cooked in his cooking on the showsIn Julia's cuisine with master leaders,Cooking with Julia, andJulia and Jacques cook at home.

"To transform the kitchen into a set, the producers removed the table, the chairs and the rear wall cabinets, where they put the cameras"The National Museum of American History says. "They added curtains to the windows, lightweight ceiling poles and installed a large cooking island in the center. On television, Julia and its host cooks used its cooking utensils."

21. The child's cuisine is now in a museum.
In 2001, childDonate from his current cuisine to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History In Washington, D.C. The cuisine it gave was native to his Cambridge, Massachusetts at home and was the last three cooking shows of the child.

22. The child donated his home and his office to Smith College.
In 1990, the child agreed to donate his home from Cambridge and his office to his Alma Matter Smith College once she died. But because the child returned to California in 2001, she decided to accelerate her gift and give her home and office at Smith College early.The College sold its home and office for $ 2.35 million And used the gift of the child to build the first Smith College campus center.

23. The child has 10 honorary doctorates.
Child is a graduate of Smith College with a history degree and has 10 honorary doctorates. His first honorary doctorate came from the University of Boston in 1976. She received honorary doctorate of letters from human letters. It also has honorary doctorates of College Bates, the University of Rutgers, Smith College, Brown University and Harvard University.

24. She was a fan of Costco.
Yes, even Julia appreciated the magic ofCostco, likeShe has often treated At one of their classic menu items for food.It has been said That it will fit under the umbrellas of the Costco Santa Barbara Costco enjoying a hot dog.

25. The child has a rose named after her.
Before the child dies, she had a rose named after her. Child was at first does not want to have a flower named from her until she saw a rose color with butter. After that, a hybrid has been done, and the butter colored rose is now called Julia child. They are thePerfect roses of a year And have a pleasant liquor scent. Sounds, and probably feels, divine.

26. She was a survivor of breast cancer.
In the 1960s, the child wasDiagnosed with breast cancer. She chose to have a single mastectomy, which means she had her cancerous chest removed. The child did not keep his mastectomy a secret, but it was not well known.

27. The child was the first woman induced in the Culinary Institute of the Temple of Fame of America.
The child has a lot of first under his belt, but notably, she was the first woman induced in the culinary institute of the Fame of America in 1993. Child would later receive an honorary doctorate of fine arts. The school and its first prize of the success of life.

28. She was not a fan of blogger Julie Powell who inspired the film,Julie & Julia.
The film featuring the only one and only Meryl Streep as a child, was based on the blog of the writer Julie Powell, where she cooked the entirety ofMaster the art of French cuisine in a year. His blog was transformed into a book that was then transformed into a major animated image. Despite all success, the child was not the biggest fan of Powell. Food editor and columnist for theLos Angeles Times, Russ go away, showed the child the blog, and when he asked her on the phone, what she thought, well, she was brutally honest.

"Well, it does not seem very serious, is not it very difficult on this book. I tested and removed these recipes for eight years so that everyone can cook them. And a lot. , many people have. I'm not understanding how she could have problems with them. She just does not have to be a big part of a cook, "said the child.

29. The child received the American presidential medal of freedom.
In 2003, the child received theAmerican presidential medal of freedom President Goerge W. Bush. The American presidential medal of freedom is the highest price that a civilian can receive in America.

30. She credited her long life with red meat and gin.
The child died two days before his 92 birthday. She has had a long and adventurous life, that she was breaking up eating red meat and drinking gin.In a 2001 TV interview, Said the child: "I do not consider vegetarianism a judicious diet at all because you are supposed to have a little bit of everything. How about red meat? What I believe in. As I have Often said, red meat and gin. "

31. The last meal of the child was the French onion soup.
The child died on August 13, 2004 at the age of 91.His last meal wasFrench French onion soup Prepared by his long-standing assistant, which is suitable for the chef and culinary personality who introduced French cuisine in American houses. Child remodeled cooking at home and was a pioneer of television kitchen.

And for more advice, do not miss these52 hacks of changing cooking of life that will be happy to cook again.

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