21 hand symptoms that indicate bigger health problems

Vitamin deficiencies in melanoma, here are some health problems that can manifest themselves in your hands.

Although shaky hands and sweat palms are decidedly unpleasant, most people write them as harmless (although not very embarrassing). However, the truth is that sometimes these symptoms of the hand can mean moreSerious health problems This should not be ignored. Whether it's discoloration, swelling or difficulty, here are some symptoms of the hand that could be a sign of a serious health problem.

Fragile hands: Parkinson's disease

parkinsons disease hands

According toDEMETRI ARNAOUTAKIS, MD, a certified council surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California, trembling hands can be the result of something so innocent thatToo much caffeine. But if the symptom persists, he recommends to see your doctor.

"A one-handed tremor can be the symptom presenting Parkinson's disease," said Arnaoutakis. "Nearly 80% of people with Parkinson have a tremor."

Sweat palms: hyperthyroidism

woman wiping her palms with a tissue

Excessively sweaty hands are simply embarrassing. They can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism in the form of hyperhidrosis, according to theMAYO Clinic.

"Hyperhidrosis occurs when the sweat glands become hyperactive and produce more sweat than necessary", explains ArnaOutakis. "Most people who suffer from it only experience in one or two parts of the body. Common areas include armpits, palms or feet."

Pale Hands and Nails: Anemia

Hands of an old man on the wood table.vintage tone - Image

"Anemia occurs when a person does not have enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body, explains Arnaoutakis." The iron deficiency is a common cause, but it can also be seen on various forms of leukemia. "

So, what does anemia have to do with your health of hands? Well, anemia can lead to pale skin, especially in the hands and nail beds.

Yellow bumps on joints: high cholesterol

cholesterol test

According to ArnaOutakis, farm, the yellow bumps on the joints could be a sign of a hereditary condition of cholesterol calledFamily hypercholesterolemia. "These yellow bumps, called xanthomes, are fat deposits that lead together in the hands, elbows or knees," he explains.

Plugged Arneckles: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Selective-focus image of Arthritic/Senior Adult Hands shot on black table
Rudisill / iStock

If you find your hands painfully swollen (especially around your joints), this can be a sign of a self-immunism disorder, more specifically,Rheumatoid arthritis, RemarksDaniel Pauave, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and founder and Chief Executive Officer ofEasy orthopedics in the area of ​​Colorado Springs.

"Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints much more than ordinary polyarthritis and [swelling] can be the first sign that someone has [the disease]," says Paull. "Fortunately, there are many good RA medications today that help avoid the complications of hand defeat from the past."

A short major: rheumatoid arthritis

woman rubbing her middle finger

A curved major (also known asDeforecomty buttonhole) can also be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, according toUS company for hand surgery (Assh). What exactly is a major "folded"? According to the ASCH, it must have the following two characteristics: the finger is folded at the central seal and is folded upside down to the end articulation.

Nail Ivents: Psoriastic Arthritis


Do not ignore these indentations in your nails. "This can be a sign of a self-immune disease calledpsoriatic arthritis, which is linked to psoriasis and its rashes, "says Paull. The good news? As is the case with RA, there are many drugs that can help treat this condition.

Grip Disorder: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

broken plates and cup on floor

If you have troubleTake objects with your handsThis can be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome, a pinch or a compression of the narrow passage on the palm side of your wrist. Other signs to search include pain or numbness in the hands, a fled in the fingers and a burning or tingling sensation.

Waste muscles: Carpal or cubital tunnel syndrome

Black man holding his wrist in pain because of carpal tunnel syndrome

If you notice that the muscles of your hands areted, it is likely that the nerve compression is probably due to the carpal tunnel syndrome or the Cubal tunnel, says Paull.

"Unfortunately, at the moment you will notice the waste [far], there is not much that you can do to get [Function] back," he says. "However, most of the [people] have experience of numbness and tingling before that, and only a few people have progress towards muscle waste." Paull also points out that, although it's much rarer,SLA-WhereLou Gehrig The disease is also present with a muscular waste.

Redness and coat of cuticles: lupus

chewed up cuticles grooming

According toCaren Campbell, MD, a certified dermatologist of the board in San Francisco, California, redness and coat around the cuticles can be a symptom of autoimmune diseaselupus. It notes that it "can also present cutaneous rashes [as] red on areas exposed to the sun like the nose and the cheeks." And since the disease can involve internal organs and cause renal failure orcardiopathyIt is preferable to obtain an unusual redness or rashes deceased as soon as possible.

Brown spots on the palm: syphilis

spots on hand

If you notice brown spots on your palms (as well as on the foot sole) that can be a sign of syphilis. "If you have had a dangerous sex or suspect, you may have been exposed, it is important to [see a doctor] because it can lead to neurological problems if it is not treated," adds she.

White areas of the skin: vitiligo


"Vitiligo is a condition [in which the body's own immune cells attack pigment-producing cells in the skin, "explains Campbell." Vitiligo presents as white skin areas that, if it's on the hands, tends to appear on the fingers or fingers. "

Although this affects other parts of your body, it says that the hands are a common area for the start of vitiligo, because the discoloration often goes on repeated trauma sites or friction. Campbell notes that "it has been associated with thyroid abnormalities such as hyper or hypothyroidism, so that the checked thyroid hormone levels are important" if you have this discoloration.

Blue, purple or black fingers: Raynaud's disease

Woman Holding Her Cold Hands Surprising Symptoms

If your fingers whiten (translation: lose color) then transform blue, purple or black when you are cold or under pressure, this could be a symptom ofRaynaud's disease. This disorder causes a narrow blood vessel in certain situations, such as when the body temperature falls or when you are stressed. The disease can make your fingers cold and numb, sometimes to the extent that the displacement of your hands is a bit painful.

Red blue skin patches on palms: endocarditis

two palms

Red blue cutaneous spots on the palms of your hands are a symptom ofendocarditis, an infection of the inner mucosa of your cardiac rooms and cardiac valves. The condition can also cause reddish brown trails under the nails and painful little nodules in the buffers of your fingers.

If you notice any of these symptoms, do not wait to visit your doctor; If you do not leave untreated, this condition can cause heart murmurs and total heart failure.

Nails "Half and a half": renal disease

Black woman looks at fingernails while removing her nail polish.
GoodLifeStudio / iStock

A 2014 study published in theJournal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists found that 36% of patients with chronic renal diseases had "half-and-semi-and-a-half" nails, in which the bottom of their nails are white and that the vertices are brown. If you notice this change in the coloring of your nail, schedule a visit with your doctor.

Dark Stripe on the nail: Melanoma

Portrait of a white man on a light background, looking at his nails.
Marharyta Marko / iStock

If you have a black band down your nail, there could be a harmless explanation like bruising, but it's worth it to have checked it by your doctor anyway. Why? This discoloration can be aSymptom of melanoma, a dangerous shape of skin cancer. The band may appear on a single nail, or may be present on several.

Red palms spots: liver disease

itchy palms

According to the search published in theAmerican Newspaper of Clinical DermatologyThe spotted red palms (also called palm erythems) are an "often neglected physical discovery" of liver disease. The study notes that erythema palmar is present in 23% of patients with hepatic cirrhosis.

White spots on nails: Zinc deficiency

wrapping presents

"While the white spots [on the nails] can be normal, it can also indicate that someone did not absorb enough zinc, do not eat enough of that, or do not lose too much," explainsByron Pitts, MD, Deputy Medical DirectorParadocs Worldwide Inc. The doctor notes that people predisposed to zinc deficiency - for example, vegans and patients with Crohn's disease - should pay particular attention to their nails.

Club Nails - Pulmonary or Cardiac Illness

man clutching heart

"Some pulmonary and cardiac diseases can bring nails to become club and club-shaped," says Pitts. "Although it is not a specific conclusion, this could be an indication of certain types of pulmonary disease, heart disease, lung cancer and IM disorders." If you notice that on your nails, Pitts recommends recovering by your doctor.

Raide skin: dehydration

Black woman of middle age drinks water, ways you're damaging teeth

When people are very dehydrated, their skin becomes steer. "If you pinch loose skin at the back of the hand, the skin can stay" tent "or take longer to go back flat", explains Pitts. "It's a pretty late discovery, and you probably already know that you have to drink water."

Tingling Hands: Diabetes

man getting a diabetes test at the doctors office

Dying or numbness in your hands can be a sign of Diabetes . If this symptom is accompanied by other things such as unexpected weight loss, a blurred vision, dry skin And fatigue, then it's time to see a doctor, like diabetes is probably the culprit. And for more information on protecting your health, see the 30 signs of deadly diseases are hiding for the view .

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