10 things that doctors say that patients should tell them, but they never do

They may not seem important, but they could save you life.

If there is a person you really haveshould not lie to your doctor. After all, health professionals are there to help you, not judging you and the restraint of information of these makes you hurt in the end. But while there are things you know that you should not keep with doctors, there are others who may not appear to you even to reveal, and these can be the most critical. Recently,A REDIT user Asked doctors to share something "a patient did not mention it was really important" and the answers were really open to the eyes. Read on to know which oneSymptoms and habits You should tell your doctor forever.

You spend a lot of time in front of a screen.

woman typing on desktop computer obsolete home items

A medical professional wrote On Redditer on a woman who said she had had a headache every night, despite the fact that her medical history was clean and she maintained a healthy sleep schedule. Even after asking his questions about his life choices, none of them appeared to be a red flag to the expert.

"At some point, I'm just abandoning and ask for what she's doing to have fun", revealed the Redditor. "She plays this video game. That's how I learned that she was 14" a computer screen 80 hours a week. "

You lose weight without trying.

woman showing weight loss

If you have lost more than five percent of your usual body weight in six to 12 months, what you live is involuntaryweightloss, according toA REDIT user. And it's a commonsymptom of cancer.

"You should have appropriate cancer screening for age," explained the health professional, quoting smears, colonoscopies, mammograms, testicular examinations and prostate examinations. "And bring a detailed family history of cancer to your DOC, including the type of cancer, during his diagnosis, and at what stage it was diagnosed."

You encounter chest pain.

Man Having a Heart Attack

Of course, it may seem obvious to some, but it should be mentioned because not to tell your doctor about yourchest pain could literally be deadly.

A medical professionalon reddit written on a patient of his who swore he had never had chest pain. The man also said "he was able to cut wood and work on his land without any problem." But then, he suffered a hugeheart attack During major surgery. What they found was that he had "a very narrow coronary artery that was the only thing to do blood to his heart".

His daughters were nurses and said he "was healthy as a horse and never complained about heart problems." But then, "his black sheep another girl has arrived and said he had told him that he told him that the terrible chest pain sheltered whenever he was doing something, but he did not want his other girls know because they worried. " Unfortunately, he died a few days later. "If we had known his symptoms, he would probably have had his heart disease diagnosed and treated before surgery," wrote the professional.

You have pain in your neck and your left arm.

female neck pain

Unfortunately, many people do not know that pain in your neck and left arm are commonSymptoms of cardiac crises in women. That's exactly why they should not be ignored, as noted by a medical student on Reddit, renings a history of a patient he had dealing with.

"[A woman] said she had heartburn and I just wanted us to give her" something to vomit "so she will feel better"The retribector wrote. "I thought it was strange and so I went through additional questions and she said that his refluxed pain extended to the left side of his neck and his left arm [and] she sweat during hours. I cut off the interview brief and went to my teaching doctor to tell him everything and what I thought. I have an EKG. Yeah ... she had aheart attack. Had to call an ambulance and make it take to the ER. "

You have black stools.

toilet against a sea green wall, home problems

It can be embarrassing to talk about your stool with people. But by talking about them with your health professionals can be the key.

"People, if you have black cocaques ... mentions that earlier than later,"A BUDITOR wrote. "[One] lady has seen nothing but black for months before she thought nothing. We found several gastric ulcers and a level of hemoglobin that traveled the drain."

You have bloody stools.

elderly woman talking to male doctor

Even if a health professional is the opposite sex, do not let it prevent you from sharing symptoms - like bloody stools, which could save your life. A medical trainee explainedon reddit that he saw a woman in the emergency complaining of the pain with the stomach. He "took his full story, did the exam and vital. She seemed a fine fever," he wrote. "Makes a preliminary diagnosis of gastroenteritis and presented to my doctor."

He pursued: "My doctor (who is a woman) goes to her and ask why she came to the emergency for something so sweet she said [was] because she noticed blood in her stools the doctor go out and asks me if I asked. About his stool, I did it, she said it was very good, and I specifically asked about blood she returns and ask the patient why she did not mention that for me her answer : .. [I] did not think it was appropriate to tell a masculine trainee ". Avenue had ulcerative colitis, needed medical colonoscopy and long-term treatment and perhaps a surgery ".

You are using Viagra.


A doctor wrote On reddit of a patient who said he did not use Viagra while his wife was present, but admitted when she was not there. This is important because he had a heart attack and they would use nitropaste-a skin cream that helps to increase blood flow to the heart. But the mixture that ordinary viagra could lead to a sudden decrease in blood pressure. The reason for this lie? The patient did not use Viagra with his wife.

"Tip pro", the doctor wrote: "While you launch the family to do the rectal exam, ask all the questions they will honestly answer. »

You drink a lot.

depressed man drinking whiskey

Your instinct can be to hide how much you have consumed of your doctor's alcohol, but tell the truth could be the key to determine what's going on with you.

For example,a redditor Who works in a hospital wrote: .. "I had a guy coming to the hospital who told me that he had crises every Tuesday as clock wheel this is very, very unusual for someone One with an epileptic disorder it was only I asked her her social history that he told me he is a heavy drinker. I studied further, and it turns out that it drinks binge Thursday, Friday, [and] Saturday ... then stop the cold turkey. He had weaning crises. »

You take a lot of prescription drugs.

Sleeping pills mixing alcohol

AnotherRedditor mentioned A 45-year-old woman who came to the complainant about crises and loss of consciousness. She was a nurse who had already been prescribed tramadol-a medicine used to treat moderate to severe pain, which is very addictive. After his pressure for a while, she finally admitted that she took about these pills about four to six times a day.

"She was about an hour late with pills and seizures. [She had been] compensation of three to four grams per day of Tramadol, "the health professional wrote. "People are raised up to 0.05 to 0.2 grams. She makes one gram every few hours. »

The woman spent several days at the hospital because they tried the dosage Title down. "She lived," writes the Redditor. "I was impressed."

You have a strange bump on your skin.

heart attack after 40

A written redditor About a patient who said she felt perfectly well, but the expert instincts had to support him more about everything that could be disturbed, so small.

She had a "odd piece" on her belly that was not disturbed, but that she could "get a dermatologist to have a look if she needs ever being removed. He turned out to beskin metastases, Which occurs when cancer cells in the propagation of the body to the skin. "If I had to guess, his life expectancy was probably measured in months," the written redditor. And for a personal story inspiring from someone who lives with a rare shape of skin cancer, readThat's what life is like after a diagnosis of cancer.

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